Smashing magazine

JavaScript APIs You Don’t Know About

In this article, Jaun Diego covers the least known yet extremely useful APIs, such as the Page Visibility API, Web Sharing API, Broadcast Channel API and Internationalization API. Together we will see what they are, where we should use them, and how to use them.

Making Sense Of WAI-ARIA: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, Kate Kalcevich explains when to use ARIA and how to use it properly so that you can use ARIA in a way that’s helpful to the many disabled people who use assistive technology to navigate the Internet. Let’s dive in!

Meet “Smart Interface Design Patterns Checklists” (Deck With 166 Cards)

Meet “Smart Interface Design Patterns Checklists”, a deck of 166 checklist cards to help you design and build better interfaces, faster. With accordions, mega-drop-downs, data tables, carousels, and everything in-between.

One Formula To Rule Them All: The ROI Of A Design System

In this case study, Maximilian Speicher and Guido Baena Wehrmann provide a ready-to-use formula to calculate the ROI of any design system and illustrate it step by step with specific and tangible numbers.

UX Checklists For Interface Designers

UX checklists with best design practices, accessibility guidelines, design system checklist, tables UX checklist, UX research methods, form design UX and flowcharts.

Smashing Podcast Episode 52 With Yiying Lu: How Do You Become An NFT Artist?

In this episode of the Smashing Podcast, we ask how do you go from running a creative studio to designing NFTs. Vitaly talks to artist Yiying Lu to find out.

The Realities And Myths Of Contrast And Color

In this article, Andrew Somers, a 35-year veteran of the Hollywood film and television industry, shares his experience about the hard-fought battles and lessons learned designing for illuminated presentations.

Meet Understanding Privacy, A New Smashing Book By Heather Burns

Meet “Understanding Privacy”, our upcoming book on what data privacy is really about beyond scary headlines. Approx. 350 pages. eBook available in October, print shipping in November.

The Accessibility And Usability Journey Of Drupal’s Primary Navigation

In this article, Mike Herchel covers Drupal’s new default theme, Olivero, which is usable, accessible, robust, and beautiful and will help you improve websites’ navigation systems.

Databases For Front-End Developers: The Concepts Under The Hood (Part 2)

In the second part of “Databases For Front-End Developers” series, Atila Fassina explores concepts to equip you to have your own opinions about which kinds of databases suit your specific needs.
