DX (developer experience) is defined by the tools, processes, and software that a developer uses when interacting with a product or system. In Symfony we're constantly improving DX and in this post we highlight some of the best Symfony 6.3 DX improvements.… https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-6-3-dx-improvements-part-1?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
In Symfony 6.2 we introduced a new Clock component so you can decouple your applications from the system clock (e.g. to create better time-sensitive tests). In Symfony 6.3 we've improved it with new features.
Added a Clock Class and a now() Function… https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-6-3-clock-improvements?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
SymfonyOnline June 2023 is just around the corner, happening on June 15-16. Amazing speakers and topics have been announced! The detailed schedule is available here.
Exciting news!
We are happy to announce you that SymfonyOnline 2023 will also… https://symfony.com/blog/symfonyonline-june-2023-take-the-lightning-talks-challenge?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Contributed by Fabien Potencier in #48542.
Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. They allow other services to alert you about external events so you can respond… https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-6-3-webhook-and-remoteevent-components?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Emojis continue to be an important part of web applications, even in the enterprise environment. For that reason, in Symfony 6.3 we have continued to improve some emoji features.
Strip Emojis from Strings… https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-6-3-emoji-improvements?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
This week, the first beta of Symfony 6.3 was released so you can test it in your applications before its final release at the end of May 2023. Meanwhile, Symfony UX 2.8 version was published with two new components and massive updates in live components.… https://symfony.com/blog/a-week-of-symfony-853-1-7-may-2023?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Symfony 6.3.0-BETA2 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.3.0-BETA1:
bug #50249 [WebProfilerBundle] Explicit tab controls’ color as they can be buttons (@MatTheCat)
bug #50248 [TwigBundle] fixed wrong symfony/twig-bridge… https://symfony.com/blog/symfony-6-3-0-beta2-released?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Get ready to enhance your skills and knowledge with SymfonyOnline June 2023 that's just a few weeks away! Starting on June 13-14, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a variety of pre-conference workshops conducted exclusively in English.… https://symfony.com/blog/symfonyonline-june-2023-enhance-your-skills-by-participating-in-workshops?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
Symfony project is continuously making code changes and tweaks to improve performance across its codebase. In Symfony 6.3 we made the following relevant changes related to performance:
Improve Translation Message Extraction Performance… https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-6-3-performance-improvements?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed
SymfonyOnline June 2023 is just around the corner, happening on June 15-16, and we've already announced a lineup of incredible speakers and topics. For more information, click on here. Don't miss out on this exciting event!
We're excited to reveal… https://symfony.com/blog/symfonyonline-june-2023-modern-uis-with-ux-a-little-js-and-zero-node?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed