It's time for our weekly in-case-you-missed-it round-up of everything that's been happening in tech.

The Rings of Power's Charles Edwards has a new sense of appreciation for his character after 'intricate' season 2 lesson.

Microsoft Copilot is undoubtedly a significant step, but is it suitable for all users?

Looking for NYT Strands answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, including the spangram.

Looking for NYT Connections answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, plus my commentary on the puzzles.

Looking for Quordle clues? We can help. Plus get the answers to Quordle today and past solutions.

These aren't the westerns of old with white hats and black hats. They're much smarter, more complex and often much more violent too.

EU users will soon be able to delete the App Store app in iOS, change their default messaging app, and much more.

Security researchers find flawed contactless cards dating back to late 2007, and urge users to be careful.

My Google Pixel 9 screen has a gouge and why am I not surprised?