How to set your hostname and domain name correctly

This tutorial describes how to set your hostname, domain name and fully qualified domain name properly. Both a mail server and a web server needs to run with the right hostname and domain name.

11mo | unixsheikh
GnuPG Tutorial

This is a minor tutorial in the usage of GnuPG to encrypt, decrypt, and sign emails and files. The examples provided in this tutorial has been tested on Debian GNU/Linux, Devuan GNU/Linux, Arch Linux and Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

11mo | unixsheikh
When template engines for PHP get in the way

I honestly believe that many people who use template engines in PHP use them because it's the hip thing to do.

11mo | unixsheikh
Most PHP Frameworks are not for programmers

A small article about PHP frameworks, design patterns, and the art of programming with a passion.

11mo | unixsheikh
PSR-0 is not a solution it is a bypass!

This is a small article that takes an objective look at the PSR-0 autoloader "standard" implemented by PHP-FIG.

11mo | unixsheikh
Trying out Arch Linux again

I have previously written a small article called Trying out Arch Linux, first in 2008, then revisited in 2009, approximately a year later. At the time of this writing (2013) I haven't touched Arch Linux in four years. I then decided to re-test it and write some notes. In the previous notes I compared Arch Linux to Debian GNU/Linux (and to some extend FreeBSD and OpenBSD), I will again compare it to Debian GNU/Linux, but will not mention the BSD flavors. In these notes I will not address the prob

11mo | unixsheikh

