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May 2024 UX Roundup: Insights and Trends

UX as presented to the general public | Learn typography concepts through interactive exercises | Use AI for personal tasks, for example supermarket shopping | Growth expected in UX jobs in 2024 | Where should UX report within a big company https://webdesignernews.com/may-2024-ux-roundup-insights-and-trends/

The Power of Familiarity in UX Design

Familiarity enables the transfer of experience between similar products or services, allowing us to be productive without first learning how a system works. When we encounter familiar interface patterns and conventions, we intuitively understand them based on previous experience. This rule of thumb is the basis of Jakob’s Law and helps guide design decisions. https://webdesignernews.com/the-power-of-familiarity-in-ux-design/

Optimizing UI with Decision Trees

How do you know what UI component to choose? Decision trees offer a systematic approach for design teams to document their design decisions. Once we’ve decided what UI components we use and when, we can avoid never-ending discussions, confusion, and misunderstanding. https://webdesignernews.com/optimizing-ui-with-decision-trees/

Playful design details for user interfaces

You can explore various “spells” or design techniques and subscribe to their newsletter for updates. https://webdesignernews.com/playful-design-details-for-user-interfaces/

Essential Visual Design Rules

You do not have to follow these rules every time. If you have a good reason to break any of them, do. But they are safe to follow every time. https://webdesignernews.com/essential-visual-design-rules/

Introducing CSS Anchor Positioning in Chrome 125

In May 2024 Firefox 126, Safari 17.5, and Chrome 125 became stable. This post looks at the new features added to the web platform. https://webdesignernews.com/introducing-css-anchor-positioning-in-chrome-125/

The Paradox of Power in a Design Career

Designers are the 6th pillar of a business but still they get paid in peanuts and also don’t get much recognition in an industry. This article explains the power of a designer as an individual in any industry and how as a newbie entering into a design industry you can do the same. https://webdesignernews.com/the-paradox-of-power-in-a-design-career/

Essential Website Editing Checklist for Success

Hitting “publish” on a new webpage or major update is exciting, but there’s a nagging fear… Did you miss something? Little mistakes can seriously impact website visitors. https://webdesignernews.com/essential-website-editing-checklist-for-success/
