Hyperlinks don’t always get the attention they deserve from web designers. Sure, we might make a few tweaks. However, we don’t always go the extra mile to make them stand out. https://webdesignernews.com/css-properties-to-make-hyperlinks-more-attractive/
In our React 19 Upgrade Guide, we shared step-by-step instructions for upgrading your app to React 19. In this post, we’ll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them. https://webdesignernews.com/react-19-is-now-stable/
This is a rough transcription based on my notes for the sharing session I presented at the online Groove meetup in June. I’ve shared the slides before, but I think it’s worth putting the content in writing. https://webdesignernews.com/recreating-graphics-with-css/
Review insights are aggregated sentiment scores that provide a quick overview of topics using facial icons — positive, neutral, and critical — displayed above a business’s reviews. Yelp users can click specific topics to read related reviews that focus on those aspects of the business, such as what customers are saying about the food or service. https://webdesignernews.com/how-ai-summarizes-customer-sentiments/
Caching is the process of storing copies of files in a cache, or temporary storage location, so that they can be accessed more quickly. When a browser caches a file, it stores a copy of that file on the user’s device. This means that the next time the user visits the same page, the browser can load the file from the cache instead of downloading it again from the server. https://webdesignernews.com/how-to-improve-your-page-load-time-with-browser-caching/
Cross-document view transitions and scroll-driven animations let you add more interactivity to your applications with a few lines of CSS. You can now animate to height: auto;, style scrollbars, and size text inputs to their contents. https://webdesignernews.com/css-wrapped-2024/
Learn how to create this powerful morphing effect with only JavaScript using the Canvas2D API. https://webdesignernews.com/creating-the-morphing-effect-of-the-luma-dream-machine-website/
Visual hierarchy plays an important role in creating designs that are not just beautiful but also functional. Without the right balance of size, color, and spacing, a design will become cluttered, confusing, and chaotic. https://webdesignernews.com/understanding-hierarchy-in-design/
Around 75% of consumers lean into the email channel for both promotional and transactional updates from brands. https://webdesignernews.com/how-to-use-dynamic-content-for-high-performing-holiday-email-marketing/
This week, OpenAI launched what its chief executive, Sam Altman, called “the smartest model in the world”—a generative-AI program whose capabilities are supposedly far greater, and more closely approximate how humans think, than those of any such software preceding it. The start-up has been building toward this moment since September 12, a day that, in OpenAI’s telling, set the world on a new path toward superintelligence. https://webdesignernews.com/the-gpt-era-is-already-ending/