Web - Worth to read

The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design

Designing for digital products requires a different mindset than traditional websites. It’s all about continuous adaptation, refining, and iterating as user behavior and needs evolve. Paul Boag reflects on the key differences, including how the frequency of usage impacts your design approach and what you can do about it. https://webdesignernews.com/the-big-difference-between-digital-product-and-web-design-2/

Decentralizing UX with ML & GenAI

Can UX be personalized for each user to achieve the highest KPI rates? A conceptual framework to integrate machine learning and generative AI into UX workflows. https://webdesignernews.com/decentralizing-ux-with-ml-genai/

What are Design Specifications?

In the world of digital product design, a seamless design handoff is crucial for ensuring that the vision crafted by designers is accurately brought to life by developers. Yet, this phase can often be fraught with miscommunication, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies. https://webdesignernews.com/what-are-design-specifications/

The Adobe Approach to Security Testing: Thinking Like an Adversary

As adoption of generative AI (GenAI) continues to grow, adversarial interest in compromising the security posture of all applications and services — whether they leverage GenAI or not — is increasing as well. Companies that develop and deliver the complex software on which so much of the world’s economy depends must focus their efforts on defending against these attacks. https://webdesignernews.com/the-adobe-approach-to-security-testing-thinking-like-an-adversary/

The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design

Designing for digital products requires a different mindset than traditional websites. It’s all about continuous adaptation, refining, and iterating as user behavior and needs to evolve. Paul Boag reflects on the key differences, including how the frequency of usage impacts your design approach and what you can do about it. https://webdesignernews.com/the-big-difference-between-digital-product-and-web-design/

3 Essential Design Trends

There are so many good things happening with website design right now. From simplification of style and brand to creating warmth with color to finding ways to incorporate motion throughout a design without feeling obtrusive, we love the concepts that designers are playing with. https://webdesignernews.com/3-essential-design-trends/

How to Manage UX Debt in Fast-Paced Agile Environments

UX debt refers to known user experience issues that have not yet been fixed. These unresolved UX issues lead to inconsistent and ineffective user interactions that lead, in turn, to business loss. https://webdesignernews.com/how-to-manage-ux-debt-in-fast-paced-agile-environments/

The Art of Collecting: How Objects Inspire Better Design

I have somewhat magpie-like tendencies: strange or beautiful objects catch my eye as I move through the world and often end up on a shelf or window ledge in my flat. I’d like to try and convince you that a little bit of hoarding can help us design better things. https://webdesignernews.com/the-art-of-collecting-how-objects-inspire-better-design/

Build a tic-tac-toe game with vanilla JavaScript

Tic-tac-toe is a popular two-player game that uses a 3×3 grid. The players use the symbols X and 0, and try to get three symbols in a row to win the game. Let’s build one with JavaScript! https://webdesignernews.com/build-a-tic-tac-toe-game-with-vanilla-javascript/

3 Metrics to Maximize Your UX Investments

Investing in UX design is often seen as an afterthought in many businesses. It’s a common misconception that UX is a luxury rather than a necessity. https://webdesignernews.com/3-metrics-to-maximize-your-ux-investments/
