Web - Worth to read

Innovating Design with Personalized Tech

The innovative mirrored glass works seamlessly to unite traditional craftsmanship with generative algorithms. Each is inspired by a name, word, or phrase that Grasser translates through code, which ultimately determines the piece’s arrangement of shapes and colors responsible for developing a personal narrative. https://webdesignernews.com/innovating-design-with-personalized-tech/

The potential of design in leadership

Design is about understanding and solving user problems. It’s about making experiences simple, accessible, and easy to use. Google states that if we “Focus on the user, and all else will follow.” https://webdesignernews.com/the-potential-of-design-in-leadership/

CSS Embraces Inline Conditionals: A New Era

The accepted proposal is a green light for the CSSWG to work on the idea with the intent of circulating a draft specification for further input and considerations en route to, hopefully, become a recommended CSS feature. So, it’s gonna be a hot minute before any of this is baked, that is, if it gets fully baked. https://webdesignernews.com/css-embraces-inline-conditionals-a-new-era/

Did Figma Just Replace Design Concepting?

Professionals across various industries have historically relied on concepts to communicate and sell ideas. Concepts are very common in advertising, branding, marketing, graphic design, fashion, architecture, and many more creative fields. It all comes down to the human brain’s innate attraction to narrative and metaphor and how we can leverage this to push ideas forward. https://webdesignernews.com/did-figma-just-replace-design-concepting/

Preparing for Real-Time Applications in Avalanche Safety

Launching a greenfield application or rolling out a new feature can be like going out into the wilderness: you can never quite be sure what is waiting for you out there (bears, falling rocks …or an avalanche?) With distributed systems, you can face many common problems, and a little awareness and preparedness could be what keeps your service alive! Today, I’d like to talk about one such problem: the thundering herd... https://webdesignernews.com/preparing-for-real-time-applications-in-avalanche-

Designing Sustainable E-Commerce Experiences

Imagine a scale: on one end sits the designer and the user on the other. Now, let’s take an inventory of the sources of power each party has in their hands in an online shopping situation and see how the scale balances. https://webdesignernews.com/designing-sustainable-e-commerce-experiences/

Fitness Logo Ideas

Today, we bring you a collection of modern fitness and gym logo templates that will help you create an inspiring branding design for your establishment https://webdesignernews.com/fitness-logo-ideas/

How to Make WordPress Maintenance Clear to Clients

There’s more to website ownership than meets the eye. However, our clients may not realize this. They might think that the work ends when the site launches. https://webdesignernews.com/how-to-make-wordpress-maintenance-clear-to-clients/

5 Unique HTML Elements You Might Not Know

HTML offers a vast array of elements that can enhance the way you present content on the web. While most developers are familiar with standard tags like 
