Bluebird Self Storage

Conosci questo posto. Carica foto per gli altri.
addr:city Hamilton
addr:housenumber 24
addr:postcode L8L 5Y9
addr:province ON
addr:street Sanford Ave N
description Bluebird Self Storage offers the GTA's newest, most modern self storage facilities. Founded in 2017, we are growing quickly and becoming Toronto's choice for storage solutions.
name Bluebird Self Storage
opening_hours Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00, Sat 9:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 15:00
payment:american_express yes
payment:Auto-payment yes
payment:cash yes
payment:cheque yes
payment:discover yes
payment:interac yes
payment:mastercard yes
payment:Online_payment yes
payment:visa yes
phone (905) 540-3838
shop storage_rental


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