Robert Lawrence Kuhn on "A Landscape of Consciousness" | Closer To Truth Chats Sara Imari Walker on Physics, Emergence, and Life on Other Planets | Closer To Truth Chats Greg Epstein on Technology, Morality, and Non-Religion John Leslie - What Are the Ultimate Questions of All Reality? 2y | Closer to truth Yujin Nagasawa - Can Philosophy of Religion Find God? 2y | Closer to truth Geoffrey West - Do General Principles Govern All Science? 2y | Closer to truth Seth Lloyd - How Much More to Physical Reality? 2y | Closer to truth Varadaraja Raman - Can Science & Theology Find Deep Reality? 2y | Closer to truth John Mazziotta - How Do Human Brains Think and Feel? 2y | Closer to truth Wendy Freedman - What's Real About Time? 2y | Closer to truth Simone Schnall - Aesthetic Cognitivism II: Intellectual Foundations 2y | Closer to truth William Grassie - Arguments Contra God? 2y | Closer to truth Jeff Tollaksen - Why the Cosmos? 2y | Closer to truth << < 75 76 77 78 79 > >> Join group Search CreatedPast one dayPast four dayPast month Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Sort byby relevanceUpvotedNew firstBookmark countComment count Search