Robert Lawrence Kuhn on "A Landscape of Consciousness" | Closer To Truth Chats Sara Imari Walker on Physics, Emergence, and Life on Other Planets | Closer To Truth Chats Greg Epstein on Technology, Morality, and Non-Religion Has technology overtaken religion? 2mo | Closer to truth Alan Leshner - What is the Self? 2mo | Closer to truth Deepak Chopra - Is Life After Death Possible? 2mo | Closer to truth Is there life after death? 2mo | Closer to truth Uri Maoz - Relationship Between Free Will and Moral Responsibility? 2mo | Closer to truth Terrence Deacon - Philosophy of Biological Information 2mo | Closer to truth WEDNESDAY: Greg Epstein on technology, atheism, and more 2mo | Closer to truth Stuart Hameroff - The Science of Consciousness: Quantum Mechanics and Spirituality 2mo | Closer to truth Alvin Plantinga - What are Possible Worlds? 2mo | Closer to truth Roger Walsh - Is Transpersonal Psychology a Window To a New Reality? 2mo | Closer to truth << < 7 8 9 10 11 > >> Join group Search CreatedPast one dayPast four dayPast month Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Sort byby relevanceUpvotedNew firstBookmark countComment count Search