Bluvy is a clothing online retailer aimed at 16-50 years old. We leverage social media as an integral part of our operation and marketing strategy. It was founded in September 2021. More than ever, we have delivered over 1,890 products to customers while ensuring zero counterfeit operation. Customers get to order items as made available via our social channels up to midnight for next-day delivery, everyday. We are looking at having interested partners to help scale our startup as well as intro
Overview: It’s a unique twist on Supply Chain finance that gives importers interest free credit terms at no risk to the supplier. The problem: I have sourced and imported products for my business clients for many years. Though credit terms are standard practice domestically, it’s extremely rare for overseas suppliers. I have found that most overseas suppliers would love to offer credit terms to have that advantage over the competition, it’s just understandably too risky since they are in a diffe
Hi, I'm a chemist with a day job in pharma, and I have been running a chemical startup on the side since 2020, with 2 friends: one handles 2 websites of ours + amazon + our b2b platform, and the other handles sales, I handle product development / formulation, labeling+photoshop, website, SEO, and sales. We did 50k in revenue last year, and 374k in revenue this year. Of course, in commodities revenue =/= anywhere close to profit, our profit margin is 25% before paying our sales team of 1; aft
What is app about? Really simple MVP, chat app that appends positive smiley face at end of each message :) Why? I'm fan of positivity and optimism. I always use smiley faces when I chat online. It makes people more relaxed and people perceive it more positively and usually people do not misread my messages. I like to be supportive and nice :) Can I get more info? Sure, PM, I can send you landing page with more info Who do you look for? First of all I look for a person who shares the same m
Plug dot events is our startup. We formed as a team around the summer of Oct 2020, who met on Reddit in this sub and elsewhere. My cofounders are developers and a business analyst with decades of experience, I do design and everything business-related. We are technologists with a deep knowledge of tech we're building and a concrete vision, especially from a commercial perspective, but have problems with communications. We're looking for someone who follows blogs and podcasts like New_Pub
Dear All, I am Danny Ng, a owner of a web development company. I am looking for a cofounder to create photorealistic avatars for digital human project. We would like to create similar product like digitalhumans dot com at first stage. Unlike them, we will include conversational AI in our product, so it makes it much easier for our customers. submitted by /u/dannyng198811 [link] [comments]
Hey there, I'm a serial entrepreneur with a Bachelor's degree in Business Development and Management, and also a self-taught full-stack dev with 3 years of experience. I've built the MVP of an 0nlyFans automated messaging tool and have used it to validate the product-market fit of this idea. Creators love the idea of eliminating almost half of their work, by lessening the amount of content they need to produce and by putting the bulk of their messaging on auto-pilot. The time saved
DM for more details- thanks. submitted by /u/People_Person_Pro [link] [comments]
My path towards decentralization and dedication to crypto began in 2012. The idea of startup incubators fascinated me from the initial establishment of behemoths like YCombinator, and with the increasing digitization of communities, job discovery, and product development, I recognized the need for a seamless and democratized online platform where all the prerequisites from developers to investors to product managers needed to develop a compelling project, product or company could gather. SauceD
Hi All, I am re-posting this again, as I'm still in the journey of searching for co-founder(s). I'm a Sydney-based (Sydney, Australia) technical co-founder looking to meet sales, growth and marketing people and explore opportunities to team up. If inclusive economy is your lifetime passion, and nothing is more exciting to you than providing people of all kind with inclusive opportunities for economic betterment and the likes, please drop me a line and let's get in touch! subm