Introducing Shoelace, a Framework-Independent Component-Based UX Library

This is a post about Shoelace, a component library by Cory LaViska, but with a twist. It defines all your standard UX components: tabs, modals, accordions, auto-completes, and much, much more. They look beautiful out of the …

2y | CSS tricks
Getting Started With WordPress Block Development

Let’s acknowledge that developing for WordPress is weird right now. Whether you’re new to WordPress or have worked with it for eons, the introduction of “Full-Site Editing” (FSE) features, including the Block Editor (WordPress 5.0) and the Site Editor (WordPress …

2y | CSS tricks
GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now

So you want an auto-playing looping video without sound? In popular vernacular this is the very meaning of the word GIF. The word has stuck around but the image format itself is ancient and obsolete. Twitter, for example, has …

GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals

Did you know that DOM elements with IDs are accessible in JavaScript as global variables? It’s one of those things that’s been around, like, forever but I’m really digging into it for the first time.

If this is the first …

Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS

The wave is probably one of the most difficult shapes to make in CSS. We always try to approximate it with properties like border-radius and lots of magic numbers until we get something that feels kinda close. And that’s before …

How to Create Wavy Shapes & Patterns in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks,

2y | CSS tricks
How To Customize WordPress Block Theme Cover Templates with Dynamic Post Feature Images

If we browse the WordPress theme directory, a majority of themes showcase cover images. It is a feature in popular demand. The cover page trend is true even in the block theme directory screenshots as well.

Let’s consider the …

2y | CSS tricks
The Web is Good Now

The video of Chris Coyier’s talk at CascadiaJS 2022 is now available. It’s his first in-person talk in more than two years, so it’s great to see our good friend back on stage slinging gems on what makes the web …

The Web is Good Now originall

2y | CSS tricks
How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties

SVG is the best format for icons on a website, there is no doubt about that. It allows you to have sharp icons no matter the screen pixel density, you can change the styles of the SVG on hover …

How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

The latest spec:

A style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2.

Louis Lazaris:


2y | CSS tricks
CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded Corners and Hover Styles

On one hand, creating simple checkered backgrounds with CSS is easy. On the other hand, though, unless we are one of the CSS-gradient-ninjas, we are kind of stuck with basic patterns.

At least that’s what I thought while staring at …

CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded Corners and Hover Styles originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
