Apple unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 9 on Tuesday. The main upgrade is a new S9 chipset, which includes the wearable's first real CPU upgrade since the Series 6 in 2020 and helps enable features like a "double tap" ge
An FDA medical advisory panel ruled that phenylephrine (PE), a key ingredient in many over-the-counter cold medications, does not actually work to treat nasal congestion when taken orally at the recommended 10 mg dose every 4 hours. Phenylephrine was last evaluated for over-the-counter use as an oral and intranasal decongestant in 1976, according to the panel. If you're keeping score at home, that mean
Apple snuck in a significant change to iCloud data storage near the end of its “Wonderlust” iPhone 15 event. The company added two new iCloud+ storage tiers: 6TB ($30 / month) and 12TB ($60 / month).
The 6TB and 12TB cloud storage tiers join the existing 50GB, 200GB and 2TB plans currently available. Greg Joswiak, the company’s marketing VP, said during the keynote that the higher-capacity options will provide “even more room to keep your photos and videos safe,” as Apple targets profes
One of the main benefits of Apple's "pro" iPhones is the camera rig, which somehow gets pretty significant improvements every year. The iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max are no
Apple's 2023 iPhone event came and went almost in the blink of an eye. As always, the company had a bunch of new devices to show off during the "Wonderlust" showcase but thanks to long-standing rumors, there weren't too many major surprises.
On the phone front, we have the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. There's no new iPhone SE just yet, unfortunately, while the rumore
Apple's iPhone 15 event today saw the company spend a lot of time (and money) talking about its "Apple 2030" vision for carbon neutrality and environmental responsibility. The irony is, Apple wants you to buy more iPhones, and to do so, it's introducing new models with slightly different features so you'll spend your money. With the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro this year, Apple is also beginning to comply with EU regulations that mandate every new device made by the end of next year support US
Native Instruments' Kontrol S series MIDI keyboards are a favorite among producers and musicians for their solid build and tight integration with the company's instruments like Kontakt and
It's September, which means the air is thick with the promise of fall, school is back in session, and Apple just revealed a new Apple Watch. This year, the company is showing off the Apple Watch Series 9. The Series 9 features a new processor, the S9 chip, and a quad-core neural engine, which promises 18-hour battery life and overall performance boosts. On the soft
Apple has spent a significant amount of its keynote today talking about its environmental bonafides, and part of that is the fact that it will no longer sell leather accessories, including things like iPhone cases and Apple Watch bands. The company noted that while leather is popular for things like watch straps, it has a serious impact on the environment, particularly at Apple's scale.
Instead, Apple is introducing a new product called FineWoven that'll replace its leather straps