Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2024)

Please state the location and include REMOTE for remote work, REMOTE (US) or similar if the country is restricted, and ONSITE when remote work is not an option.

Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. One post per company. If it isn't a household name, explain what your company does.

Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here.

Readers: please only email if you are perso

6mo | Hacker news
Show HN: Defrag the Game


A while ago, I came across this " rel="nofollow">

on YouTube showing 8 hours of defragmenting a hard drive. For some reason, it inspired me to create this small game.

Have fun :)

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Points: 65

# Comments: 31

6mo | Hacker news
Show HN: Bin-graph: Visualize binary files

This program provides a simple way of visualizing the different regions of a binary file. Written in C, depends only on libpng.

Currently (commit 1dd42e3) it is able to generate PNG images that represent various aspects of the binary:

- Grayscale: Byte values, 00..FF. - Ascii: Printability of each byte. - Entropy: Of a "block", changed with --block-size. - Histogram: Bar graph of the byte frequencies. - Bigrams: Each point is determined by a pair of bytes. - Dotplot: Measure self-similar

6mo | Hacker news
