Show HN: Defrag the Game


A while ago, I came across this " rel="nofollow">

on YouTube showing 8 hours of defragmenting a hard drive. For some reason, it inspired me to create this small game.

Have fun :)

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Points: 65

# Comments: 31

6mo | Hacker news
Show HN: Bin-graph: Visualize binary files

This program provides a simple way of visualizing the different regions of a binary file. Written in C, depends only on libpng.

Currently (commit 1dd42e3) it is able to generate PNG images that represent various aspects of the binary:

- Grayscale: Byte values, 00..FF. - Ascii: Printability of each byte. - Entropy: Of a "block", changed with --block-size. - Histogram: Bar graph of the byte frequencies. - Bigrams: Each point is determined by a pair of bytes. - Dotplot: Measure self-similar

6mo | Hacker news
