Hey HN! We're Taranjeet and Deshraj, the founders of Mem0 (https://mem0.ai). Mem0 adds a stateful memory layer to AI applications, allowing them to remember user interactions, preferences, and context over time. This enables AI apps to deliver increasingly personalized and intelligent experiences that evolve with every interaction. There’s a demo video at https://youtu.be/VtRuBCTZL1o and a playground to t

Hi HN - we’re the founders of Ligo Biosciences and are excited to share an open-source implementation of AlphaFold3, the frontier model for protein structure prediction.
Google DeepMind and their new startup Isomorphic Labs, are expanding into drug discovery. They developed AlphaFold3 as their model to accelerate drug discovery and create demand from big pharma. They already signed Novartis and Eli Lilly for $3 billion - Google’s becoming a pharma company! (

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