I've worked for 2 major YC companies and done some one-off/contract work in recent years at a few others here in SF. Really like the startups coming out of YC.
I had to unfortunately voluntarily quit the last on-site contract due to it being 7 days a week (I tried to take off a Sunday, didn't work), on top of a requirement to be there until 8-9pm daily and occasionally pull all-nighters when there are sales demos (at the office until 7AM the next day - then stayed at work for the next day)

Article URL: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-DT-Patches-A7-To-A11
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511672
Points: 5
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Article URL: https://binsider.dev/
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Points: 5
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Article URL: https://ashore.io/journal/desk-notes/bluey-and-the-hierarchy-of-distractions
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Article URL: https://www.urban75.org/watchcam/index.html
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Article URL: https://yaak.app/blog/now-open-source
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Points: 23
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