Show HN: connet – A P2P reverse proxy with NAT traversal

Over the past couple of months, I've been working on connet. At this point, it is working pretty smoothly (in what I use it for), so I wanted to share it with more people and see what they think.

I know many other similar/reverse proxy solutions exist - like,, and a bunch more you can find at

Ask HN: Where to Work After 40?

I turned 40 last month and spent the past decade working on my own startup that ultimately failed. I'm now trying to figure out the next step. Someone once said to me, Google is the place you go to retire after 40. I've done my time at various startups, and spent some time at Google. As an engineer the landscape of things is always changing and we've now moved from Cloud to AI pretty rapidly. I'm just curious to know what moves people made after 40 and what worked for them.

