Flutter if & else: 3 ways of implementation

if and else statements allow developers to execute different blocks of code based on specific conditions. This can help to create more dynamic and responsive user interfaces by allowing the app to respond differently to different inputs or user inter... https://parthshethflutterblog.blogspot.com//flutter-if-else-3-ways-of-implementation

Web View Flutter

Exploring WebView in Flutter: Enhancing Mobile Apps with Web Content

Introduction:In today's digital age, integrating web content seamlessly into mobile applications has become increasingly important for providing rich and dynamic user experiences.... https://parthshethflutterblog.blogspot.com//web-view-flutter

Flutter if & else: 3 ways of implementation

if and else statements allow developers to execute different blocks of code based on specific conditions. This can help to create more dynamic and responsive user interfaces by allowing the app to respond differently to different inputs or user inter... https://parthshethflutterdeveloper.hashnode.dev/flutter-if-else-3-ways-of-implementation

Dart  Control  FLow  Operators

Control flow operator

Dart offers collection if and collection for for use in list, map, and set literals.

You can use these operators to build collections using conditionals (if) and repetition (for).

Example var nav = ['Home', 'Furniture', 'Pla... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/dart-control-flow-operators

Flutter navigation redirection with Riverpod and GoRouter

Go router is the most popular package to handle navigation in Flutter and is now maintained by the Flutter team.In this article, we will see how to use it with Riverpod to secure a route.For example, we will see how to redirect a user to the login pa... https://apparencekit.hashnode.dev/flutter-navigation-redirection-with-riverpod-and-gorouter

FlotaingActionButton Widget and Attributes

The FloatingActionButton widget in Flutter is a circular button typically placed in the bottom-right corner of the screen. It's commonly used to trigger the most important action in the application, such as adding a new item or navigating to a primar... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/flotaingactionbutton-widget-and-attributes

Becoming an Expert in Flutter with Clean Architecture: Part 2

Introduction Hey there 👋🏻 Welcome back to part two of the journey through Clean Architecture, or a big hello if you're here for the first time. I'm really glad you decided to check out this article, and I promise you won't regret it.

Recap of the... https://dhruvnakum.xyz/becoming-an-expert-in-flutter-with-clean-architecture-part-2

AnimatedContainer widget and Attributes

The AnimatedContainer widget in Flutter is a container that gradually changes its values over a given duration whenever its properties are updated. It's useful for creating smooth animations for container properties such as size, padding, color, and ... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/animatedcontainer-widget-and-attributes-1

FadeTransition Widget and Attributes

The FadeTransition widget in Flutter is used to apply a fading effect to a child widget. It animates the opacity of the child widget over a specified duration, creating a smooth transition between visible and invisible states. Attributes:

opacity (A... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/fadetransition-widget-and-attributes

Opacity widget and Attributes

The Opacity widget in Flutter is used to make its child partially or fully transparent. It's commonly used to control the transparency of UI elements, such as images, text, or containers. Attributes:

opacity (double):

The opacity value of the child... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/opacity-widget-and-attributes
