Creating a data layer in Flutter

In this article I am going to explain how to create a data layer in a Flutter app. The objective is to be able to manage the input/output of data in our application in the most efficient way, using in this case two data sources: a remote API and a lo...

How to make phone calls and send SMS via your Flutter app

Introduction In today's article, we will learn how to send SMS and make Phone calls directly via your Flutter app. This is a small but very useful feature that a lot of apps have in them. It is very easy to implement in Flutter but a lot of people do...

What is REST API and how to fetch data with REST API in Flutter?

Introduction Today, we will learn about how to use REST API in Flutter. REST API is a way to communicate between your frontend and database. The full form of API is Application Programming Interface. Suppose I have a database where I have stored a li...

How to Add Light and Dark modes to your Flutter App? A Beginners Guide.

Introduction In today's world, almost every app has a light and dark mode system. Ever wondered how do they execute this in their app? If yes, then today we will have a look at the answer to this question. Today, we will add a light and dark mode the...

Flutter: Why is a const value but is not?

While giving color values to a couple of circleavatars I realized that flutter gives error to the color shades but not to the colors? children: [ 🤢 const CircleAvatar(backgroundColor:,), 😀 ...

#4WeeksofFlutter: Let’s Learn Flutter

Coding is an overwhelming experience. For a year now, I have been trying to find my niche in the tech Industry. I started by learning Java, because I have a background of it from University. However, Java felt overwhelming to me and I decided to lear...

#4WeeksofFlutter: Let’s Learn Flutter!

Coding is an overwhelming experience. For a year now, I have been trying to find my niche in the tech Industry. I started by learning Java, because I have a background of it from University. However, Java felt overwhelming to me and I decided to lear...

TODO App Failure: A Postmortem

This is an explanation of a Flutter related failure that forced my final year project to go offline while in the testing/development phase for almost a whole week due to changes in libraries that were employed in the application's development. Issue ...

How to add beautiful animations to your app with Flutter and Lottie

Intro In todays' article, we are going to have a look at how you can render some amazing animations in your Flutter app with just 5 lines of code probably. Sounds impossible? It is not. It has been made possible with the help of Lottie. Lottie is a ...

Multi Step Registration Form In Flutter With/Without Provider

We will create a multi step registration form in flutter in two ways.

Using the simple basic setstate and Widgets. Using a provider.

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With Basic Widgets import 'package:flutter/material.dart...
