Automated testing in flutter is easy. The flutter team built it into the framework from the ground up. They call it integration testing, but non-flutter developers would refer to it as automated testing. You can run integration tests on several platf... https://flutterfromdotnet.hashnode.dev/integration-tests

What Is Flutter? Flutter is a user interface (UI) software development kit released by Google in 2018. Flutter lets you build cross-platform applications for a number of platforms. What Is React Native? React Native is a mobile development framework ... https://kerollosragaie.hashnode.dev/the-biggest-difference-between-react-native-and-flutter

Google announced the availability of Flutter 2.8, the latest version of its open-source app development toolkit, which adds the first stable release of its Flame 2D game engine and other improvements. “Hello and welcome to Flutter 2.8,” Chris Sells w... https://kerollosragaie.hashnode.dev/what-is-new-in-flutter
Future Operations: In simple form, future operations are those operations that take time to complete and return a result when done. We make use of Flutter Asynchronous functions. Asynchronous operations let your application continue other operations... https://techwithlanre.xyz/flutter-future-builder-with-list-view-builder

We've covered the basics of MVVM in the previous posts, but now any example moving forward would be strongly hypothetical or not really how I would do it myself in my apps. It's best we bite the bullet and have this post to go over an approach that h... https://cassiuspacheco.com/flutter-mvvm-and-clean-architecture-part-3-multi-packages-structure-ckx8bgycf03nxucs13yys4rc4

Last spring I needed a simple app that I could use to write and share content with. Something very simple and non cluttered. I started using some of the existing apps but I found them a bit broader than what I needed. I needed something as simple as ... https://blog.bal.al/building-writings-with-flutter-web

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. For example, each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your ... https://syntax007.hashnode.dev/consuming-a-rest-api-in-flutter-using-retrofit-auto-code-generator

When building a mobile application, there are several important factors to consider in order to maximize the app's performance. One of these is handling the application's lifecycle state. Application Lifecycle essentially monitors or manages the stat... https://taycodes.dev/managing-app-lifecycle-in-flutter
Today I tried to set up my Android device to debug or view my application on the device. One Error I faced is.. Error waiting for a debug connection: ProcessException: adb did not report forwardedport Command: C:\Users\nimis\AppData\Local\Android... https://nimishdalal.hashnode.dev/flutter-error-error-waiting-for-a-debug-connection-processexception-adb-did-not-report-forwardedport
You are a new learner like me and maybe after a day's break you come back to practice flutter. You open the folder you were working on and run the command flutter run and you find error Error: No pubspec.yaml file found. This command should be run f... https://nimishdalal.hashnode.dev/flutter-error-no-pubspecyaml-file-found