Multiple Mastodon Accounts

The usual Twitter convention is to follow the whole person, meaning one Twitter account for a person would tweet on many different subjects. In the Fediverse, however, that's not encouraged, so we'll see many people having multiple Mastodon (and other) accounts.s

Your organization should run its own Mastodon server

The latest crisis at Twitter has led to a big surge of interest in Mastodon and the broader Fediverse of open social media platforms. My colleague Julien Deswaef has long been an advocate of the Fediverse. Here he explains why organizations should take control of their own social media platform by running their own Mastodon ser

An appeal to Americans who aren't inclined to vote in the midterm              elections

In the United States, we have midterm elections coming up. Many people aren't interested in politics, or feel there is nobody worthwhile to vote for. If you're an American inclined to skip voting in these midterms, I'd appreciate it if you read my appeal.


Twitter feed now cross-posts to Mastodon

One of the main things I wanted to do with Mastodon was to replicate my twitter feed there, so that folks who would rather follow me on Mastodon could get everything. To do this, I used You have to give it credentials to access both your Twitter and Mastodon feeds, which is a little worrisome, but my Mastodon-aware colleagues have used it without problems. It allows cross-posting in either or both directions, bu

Exploring Mastodon

I've been a heavy user of Twitter over the last decade, and while Musk's purchase of Twitter hasn't got me running for the exit, it has prompted me to take a look at possible alternatives should Twitter change into something no longer worthwhile for me. The obvious alternative is for me to explore the fediverse with a Mastodon account. As I explore using Mastodon, I'll make some notes here so that others can learn from my explorations.

Bliki: ConwaysLaw

Pretty much all the practitioners I favor in Software Architecture are deeply suspicious of any kind of general law in the field. Good software architecture is very context-specific, analyzing trade-offs that resolve differently across a wide range of environments. But if there is one thing they all agree on, it's the importance and power of Conway's Law. Important enough to affect every system I've come across, and powerful enough that you're doomed to defeat if you try to fight

Negotiate a balanced product investment mix

Rick and Kennedy conclude their article on the bottleneck caused by tension between product and engineering.

Creating multidisciplinary stream-aligned teams to escape the              product-vs-engineering bottleneck

Rick and Kennedy continue explaining how to deal with the lack of collaboration between product and engineering.

Getting out of the product-v-engineering bottleneck by identifying              your "first team"

Rick and Kennedy start their discussion of how to break through the product-V-engineering bottleneck by getting people to identify and focus

Bottleneck #03: Product v Engineering

In the third article on the Bottlenecks of Scaleups, Rick Kick and Kennedy Collins talk about the bottleneck that occurs when friction develops between
