Search Engine Land

This day in search marketing history: January 29

Google penalizes a link network, plus: paid search spending, Google warns about article directories, Yelp ratings in Google AdWords and more.

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This day in search marketing history: January 28

Featured snippets introduced, plus: Hamlet Batista passes away, Google buys DeepMind, Google ad labeling and more.

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Yandex ‘leak’ reveals 1,922 search ranking factors

SEOs have already started analyzing Yandex's search ranking factors, which include PageRank and several other link-related factors

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This day in search marketing history: January 26

LinkedIn Ads launches, plus: holiday retail insights, crappy results, Google Panda 3.2, sitemap testing, DuckDuckGo and more.

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Performance Max for B2B: 4 best practices

While B2B is not broadly impacted by the move to PMax, it's best to learn the ins and outs before Google takes away other campaign options.

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What is ChatGPT and why SEOs should care

Learn how this AI-powered chatbot works, who's behind the technology, and what it can – and can't – do for search marketers.

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This day in search marketing history: January 27

Google AdWords API launches, plus: PAA vs. featured snippets, Google hiring an SEO, Expanded Text Ads findings and more.

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Moving on from search engine optimization to search optimization

Our search campaigns should focus on overall visibility on the web rather than only giving importance to traditional search engine results.

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