SmashingConf Is Back In 2022

After two years where almost everything moved online, 2022 marks the return of in-person conferences. In fact, SmashingConf is back: coming to San Francisco and Austin in June, Freiburg (Germany) in September, and New York in October.

Jobs For Designers And Developers Affected By The War In Ukraine 🇺🇦

Are you a designer or developer affected by the war in Ukraine? Here are some options to consider if you’re looking for a design or tech job.

A Guide To Hover And Pointer Media Queries

In this article, we’ll talk about how to adapt our sites to the different scenarios of a device pointer: whether it has a pointer or not, or how accurate it is. To adapt our site to those devices’ needs we’ll talk about how to properly use media queries hover, pointer, any-hover and any-pointer.

Remix Routes Demystified

In the past months, there have been lots of talks dedictaed to Remix. Routing is not only one of the things that sets it apart from other frameworks, but it also fuels great performance and improves the overall experience for developers. Let’s dig in to all of the features that build up routing in this powerful framework.

Those HTML Attributes You Never Use

In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of and perhaps find useful enough to personally use in one of your projects.

Good Design Is All About Good Timing

In this shorter series of articles, we highlight design patterns, techniques, and strategies to design better digital interfaces. You can also learn much more in “Smart Interface Design Patterns”, a 6h-video course with 100s of hand-picked examples, curated by Vitaly. [Check a free preview](

Windows High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode And CSS Custom Properties

CSS Custom Properties can be used for far more than just color, and their values update in realtime, both via display mode updates and JavaScript logic. This is powerful stuff. Eric explains how modern CSS is a powerful piece of assistive technology that can thread into it to create flexible, maintainable and adaptive digital experiences.

How To Make A Drag-and-Drop File Uploader With Vue.js 3

Building on a previous article on How to Build a Drag-and-Drop File Uploader, we’ll be adding some new features, but more importantly (maybe), we’ll be learning how to build it in Vue 3 and learn some best practices for Vue along the way.

Claymorphism: Will It Stick Around?

This fresh new design trend has been picking up steam with the rising popularity of colorful inflated 3D graphics in web illustrations and with the latest Virtual Reality projects like “Horizon Worlds”. Let’s see if there is room for Claymorphism on the UI, and how we can create this effect with CSS.

Improving The CI/CD Flow For Your Application

Looking for ways to create a smooth CI/CD flow for your software? In this article, Tom Hastjarjanto shares some useful concepts that can be combined with GitHub Actions and NPM packages. With this setup, you will be able to release multiple times per hour with a fully documented trace managed by Git.
