New Collective for Azure, the logic of the universe, and !document.write().
The post The Overflow #162: The great testing flake off appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Convert unused JavaScript into lightweight HTML...oh that feels so good.
The post The less JavaScript, the better (Ep. 532) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

The Most Loved languages are those that appeal to veteran developers.
The post Comparing tag trends with our Most Loved programming languages appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

In complex systems, you usually want to minimize chaos. Unless you're trying to find weak spots. In that case, chaos is your friend.
The post How chaos engineering preps developers for the ultimate game day (Ep. 531) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Your ML model and AI-as-a-service apps might open new attack surfaces. Here's how to mitigate them.
The post AI applications open new security vulnerabilities appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

The team talks about voice-to-code features, how game developers built accessibility into God of War, and why lab-grown meat is officially safe to eat (hail seitan!).
The post From your lips to AI’s ears (Ep. 530) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Using only Tetris, you can build a machine capable of universal computation.
The post How to build a universal computation machine with Tetris (Ep. 529) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Side project to C-suite, historical telescope lenses, and 3D CSS.
The post The Overflow #161: Git isn’t the only game in town appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Dynamic languages allow for a lot of flexibility in typing — sometimes too much. Here's how to add some guardrails to your code.
The post Adding structure to dynamic languages appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Find out about all the features the mesh adds to a service architecture automatically.
The post How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a service mesh appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.