Symfony 5.2.5 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #40415 Fix ConstraintViolation#getPropertyPath() to always return string (@Ocramius) bug #40421 [FrameworkBundle] fix XSD (@nicolas-grekas) bug #39685 [Mailer][Mime][TwigBridge][Validator] Allow egulias/email-validator 3.x (@derrabus) bug #40398 [FrameworkBundle] : Fix method name compare in ResolveControllerNameSubscriber (@glensc) bug #39733 [TwigBridge] Render email once (@jderusse) bu
Kommen Sie am 16. April 2021 zu einem Tag rund um Symfony in deutscher Sprache mit 2 Tracks. Letzte Woche haben wir den ersten Teil des Konferenzprogramms angekündigt, alle Details finden Sie in unserem letzten Blogpost. Wir freuen uns nun, den letzten Teil des Konferenzprogramms der SymfonyLive Online German Edition 2021 bekannt zu geben. Die Konferenz wird in deutscher Sprache stattfinden, mit Ausnahme der Keynotes und der Vorträge von Nicolas Grekas und Titouan Galopin, die in englischer Spra
Since Symfony version 2, the project’s code has been managed as a Git mono-repository. Having all the code in one place is very convenient: from changes across the board to centralized issues, it makes everyone’s life much easier. Since Symfony 4, the mono-repository is only used for development and not used anymore as a Composer project dependency (symfony/symfony). Instead, projects now depend on individual packages (symfony/console, symfony/http-kernel, …). It is a great optimization as it sa
Konferencja SymfonyLive Online Polish Edition 2021 odbędzie się w najbliższy piątek, 12 marca w godzinach od 10 do 16. Dołącz do nas online na cały dzień poświęcony Symfony po polsku z domu. Poznaj naszych Prelegentów i posłuchaj 10 wykładów, wszystkie dostępne w powtórkach od 13 marca. Keynotes otwierający i zamykający konferencję oraz 2 inne prelekcje będą w języku angielskim, ale będą miały polskie napisy, abyś mógł je w pełni zrozumieć.
Tutaj znajduje się harmonogram konferencji:
This week, Symfony 4.4.20 and 5.2.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 5.3 version added a Twig serialize filter and decoupled passwords from UserInterface. Lastly, it was decided that Symfony 6 will require PHP 8.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 35 pull requests were merged (26 in code and 9 in docs) and 43 issues were closed (39 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 23 authors made 16,534 additions and 5,847 deletions. See details for code and d
Symfony 4.4.20 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #40318 [Translation] deal with indented heredoc/nowdoc tokens (@xabbuh) bug #40350 [DependencyInjection] fix parsing calls of methods named “method” (@xabbuh) bug #40316 [Serializer] zero parts can be omitted in date interval input (@xabbuh) bug #40239 MockResponse tota _time should not be simulated when provided (@Pierrick VIGNAND) bug #40299 [Cache] Add server-commands support for Predis R
Symfony 5.2.4 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #40336 [Messenger] Doctrine setup with migrations (@Nyholm) bug #40318 [Translation] deal with indented heredoc/nowdoc tokens (@xabbuh) bug #40350 [DependencyInjection] fix parsing calls of methods named “method” (@xabbuh) bug #40316 [Serializer] zero parts can be omitted in date interval input (@xabbuh) bug #40239 MockResponse tota _time should not be simulated when provided (@Pierrick V
Wir freuen uns, die deutsche Symfony-Community zur ersten Ausgabe der SymfonyLive Online German Edition 2021 begrüßen zu dürfen. Ein ganzer Konferenztag erwartet Sie am 16. April 2021, aufgeteilt in 2 Tracks. Wir haben bereits die Keynote-Sprecher aller Keynotes der diesjährigen SymfonyLive Online Konferenz bekannt gegeben. Falls Sie die Ankündigung verpasst haben, finden Sie hier den Blog-Post, um zu erfahren, wer unsere Keynote-Speaker sein werden!
Die Auswahl der Speakers läuft noch und wir
Nous avons annoncé la première partie du programme du SymfonyLive Online French Edition 2021 la semaine dernière ainsi que les Keynotes qui seront au programme de chacune des conférences SymfonyLive Online cette année. Découvrez aujourd'hui le programme complet !
Nous avons terminé la sélection de tous les speakers et des sujets qui seront présentés à la conférence. Encore un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui ont pris le temps de soumettre une proposition de sujet.
Nous sommes heureux de
This week, Symfony added a feature to allow container/routing configurators to vary by environment in the same file and started working on its compatibility with the upcoming PHP 8.1 version. In addition, it announced the keynotes for all SymfonyLive Online 2021 conferences and the first part of the French conference schedule.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 49 pull requests were merged (31 in code and 18 in docs) and 56 issues were closed (51 in code and 5 in docs). Excluding merges