Don't miss the early bird registration to join us at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 organized at the end of 2022. After March 31st 2022, the prices change to register for the workshops, the conference or for a combo workshop and conference ticket at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022. Enjoy now the early bird registration, book your ticket!
We can't wait to meet you for an entire of Symfony, join us physically at the international Symfony conference to l

Join us next week for the pre-conference workshops at SymfonyLive Paris 2022, on April 5-6 2022! Last days to register for the workshops and get trained before the conference, book your training in French now!
Nous vous accueillons la semaine prochaine pour les formations pré-conférence du SymfonyLive Paris 2022 des 5 et 6 avril 2022. Derniers jours pour vous inscrire et participer aux formations pré-conférence. Ne manquez pas l'événement annuel de Sym

This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing bugs, especially on the HttpClient component, and polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 6.1 version, such as the new local switcher. Meanwhile, SymfonyLive Paris 2022 conference is coming in just two weeks and SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 conference announced the last days of its early bird discounts.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 63 pull requests were merged (37 in code and

We're so excited to welcome the entire Symfony community at SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 organized at the end of 2022. An entire week is waiting for you, join us physically at the international Symfony conference to learn and share the latest about Symfony from November 15 to 18:
November 15-16: 2 days of pre-conference workshops at the Disney's Newport Bay Club November 17-18: 2 days of conference at the Disney's Hotel New York - Art of Marvel

Join us in 2 weeks, on April 7-8 2022, for the French SymfonyLive conference, check out the entire schedule and see you there!
Le SymfonyLive Paris 2022 approche, plus que 2 semaines avant l'événement francophone de Symfony ! On se retrouve les :
5-6 avril 2022 : deux journées de formations chez notre sponsor formations, SensioLabs, à Asnières sur Seine. 7-8 avril 2022 : deux journées de conférence à la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

Pre-conference workshops at SymfonyLive Paris 2022 are in 2 weeks, on April 5-6 2022! There are still seats available, get trained before the conference, book your training in French now!
Les formations pré-conférence du SymfonyLive Paris 2022 auront lieu dans 15 jours, les 5 et 6 avril 2022. Il reste encore quelques places pour participer aux formations. Profitez de la conférence pour vous former sur les dernières nouveautés de Symfony et son écosystè

This week, Symfony announced the merging of SymfonyCloud into Platform.sh. In addition, SymfonyCasts published the new (and free) Symfony 6 video tutorials. Finally, SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 conference announced the end of its early bird registration period.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 26 pull requests were merged (21 in code and 5 in docs) and 17 issues were closed (13 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 16 authors made 1,512 additi

How can you get started with Symfony 6? What are the best resources to learn Symfony? How can I learn about the latest best practices? That are legitimate questions I get from the community. There are a lot of resources on the Internet about Symfony, including the official documentation. Still, today I want to point out two excellent resources if you're going to learn Symfony as a beginner or if you want to refresh your memory about the latest recommended ways of

The SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022 is coming at the end of 2022, join us at the international Symfony conference to learn and share the latest about Symfony while having fun at Disneyland Paris with us from November 15 to 18:
November 15-16: 2 days of pre-conference workshops at the Disney's Newport Bay Club November 17-18: 2 days of conference at the Disney's Hotel New York - Art of Marvel
We are super happy to organize the conference party at Walt

We launched SensioCloud in 2017, which became SymfonyCloud in 2019. SensioCloud was our first cloud product, targeted at companies with "big needs". SymfonyCloud was more about having a Symfony-optimized cloud for everyone. We built both platforms on top of Platform.sh, which gave us all the primitives we needed to build a great developer experience, optimized for Symfony projects.
SymfonyCloud is a layer on top of Platform.sh that adds features to make managing