How security is handled by package maintainers

A lot of myth and misunderstanding exist regarding this issue and it is easy to get confused because it varies from project to project. This post is not about base systems or base packages, rather it's about third party packages.

3y | unixsheikh
Questions about which operating system is more secure or fastest makes no sense

Reddit, misc. forums and mailing lists are filled with questions and debates about whether operating system A is more secure than operating system B, or whether operating system A is faster than operating system B. Such questions and debates are not only completely useless, but they are also somewhat childish.

3y | unixsheikh
A warning to business owners and managers, you are a big part of the problem!

In my last couple of articles, mainly So-called modern web developers are the culprits and Is the madness ever going to end? I have written about some of the major problems with so-called modern web development and I have addressed the issues to the developers themselves, which is where I think most of the blame lies. However, in some cases the business owners and managers are the true culprits. They are the major driving force behind the bad decisions, so if you're a business owner or a manager

3y | unixsheikh
Is the madness ever going to end?

There is something seriously wrong with the IT industry. It's so bad that I haven't managed to find a single industry with the same massive amount of stupidity, with the exception of perhaps the fashion industry. It's like the IT industry has been paralyzed in some strange kind of mass hypnosis.

3y | unixsheikh
My 70 year old mother has been using Linux on the desktop for the past 21 years

My mother turns 70, February this year, and she has been using Linux on the desktop for the past 21 years. My mother-in-law is 65, she has been using Linux on the desktop since 2015.

3y | unixsheikh
No, your website is not a web app even if you call it so

As a response to my article So-called modern web developers are the culprits someone stated that my advice was outdated because today we make web apps, not websites. I will address that issue in this article.

3y | unixsheikh
diff and patch

A mini tutorial in the usage of diff and patch.

3y | unixsheikh
Revision control

In connection with some corrupted files in CVS I decided that it was time to take a look on some other revision control systems. This article is a summary of my three day "journey" into the land of revision controlling.

3y | unixsheikh
Who is listening on my ports

This is a mini tutorial in how to figure out what applications are listening on your ports on GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD.

3y | unixsheikh
Wrong default encoding on the Apache webserver

This is a mini tutorial in solving problems with the Apache webserver encoding specifications.

3y | unixsheikh

