Design your productivity: A procrastinator’s survival guide

Is there a better pair out there than Motivation & Self Discipline? Well, there is a more romantic one for sure: Motivation &…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Surviving career glitch: Growing up to be a value-driven designer

With experience comes greater understanding. Using that tactfully should be your winning strategy.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Creating a design system for an MVP

Recently I was designing a new product from scratch and created a design system from the beginning. This has proven to be beneficial when…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Mothers that UX

Paradoxically, motherhood could be both a source of strength for doing better UX but also a reason for discrimination in our sectorContinue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Is what you’re expecting realistic? When and how to involve others in UX research

Researchers — set non-researchers up for success by determining when & how to effectively involve them in UX research activities.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
