Last selected talks and speakers at SymfonyWorld 2021

SymfonyWorld 2021is coming next month! We've recently announced the first selected speakers, the first Keynotes and we've announced yesterday more talks and one other Keynote scheduled at the international conference on June 17 and 18.

The entire event, workshops and conference will be organized online in English. All talks will have English subtitles and will be available in replay as soon as the conference ends. Join us for an entire week of Symfony:

2-day online pre-conference workshops on June 15-16 2-day online conference with 2 tracks per day on June 17-18

We're pleased to announce the last selected talks and speakers of the conference:

Robin Chalas, Software Architect and Symfony Core Team Member, will speak about "PasswordHasher Component: A simple yet powerful password hashing library". In Symfony 5.3, the password hashing logic has been extracted out from the security-core package to a first-class package named password-hasher. This component provides a clean API to manage passwords securely, and it can be used in any PHP project. Let's see how this component works and how it can ease managing passwords in your applications. Nicolas Grekas, Symfony Core Team member, will talk about "What is the Symfony UID component?". The Symfony UID component has been released one year ago as a simple OOP layer on top of the "uuid" extension and polyfill. But what are "UIDs" in the first place? Unique IDentifiers serve many purposes! During this talk, we will explore the component itself. We will also discuss the various types of UIDs and when each of them should be preferably used. Last but not least, we will make this an opportunity to discuss why the Symfony project decided to create a new component on the topic, while alternatives exist. Hiromi Hishida, Lead Engineer at Backend team, will present "Can your code live without the Symfony Framework?". Everyday, we build our applications on the shoulder of the Symfony Framework. I wonder how long our applications can live. What if Symfony is transformed into totally different, brand-new form? We already experienced painful migration from symfony1 to Symfony2+, from doctrine1 to Doctrine2+, and Doctrine3 is coming. In this talk, I will describe how we can extend the lifetime of our applications, through loose coupling between our code and Symfony (or any third-party dependency really.) Kévin Dunglas, creator of the API Platform framework, and protocols and Symfony Core Team member, will talk about "Pedal to the metal: introducing Symfony Turbo". Hotwire Turbo is a tiny library recently introduced by DHH (the creator of Ruby On Rails) allowing to have the speed of Single-Page Apps without having to write any JavaScript! As part of the Symfony UX initiative, I created an official integration between Turbo and Symfony. With Symfony Turbo, you can get rid of JavaScript and enjoy using Twig again! During this talk, we'll discover how the library works, how to leverage it to enhance your Twig templates, how to add real-time features to your websites using the Mercure integration of Symfony Turbo and how to test your Turbo apps with Symfony Panther! Titouan Galopin, Symfony Core Team member and SymfonyInsight lead, will share his experience about "Building a SaaS product with Symfony : tips and tricks". After several years of experience building Software As A Service products, I would like to share with you the crucial and less crucial tips on how to build a technically effective platform while focusing on your business. We will talk about how to build great subscription mechanisms, how to leverage EasyAdmin, why and how you should rely on other platforms (Stripe, Sentry, SymfonyCloud) and finally how you can plan your software architecture for growth.

Discover now the full 2-day conference agenda of SymfonyWorld 2021 conference!

All the pre-conference workshop topics have been announced! Choose your workshop now among a combo of two one-day workshops or one two-day workshop:

Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX by trainer Titouan Galopin, 1-day workshop on June 15th. RESTful Webservices in Symfony by trainer Jan Schädlich, 1-day workshop on June 15th. Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by trainer Jérôme Vieilledent, 1-day workshop on June 16th. API development with API Platform by trainer Kévin Dunglas, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Symfony Security in Depth by trainer Andreas Hucks, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Mastering OOP & Design Patterns by trainer Hugo Hamon, 2-day workshop on June 15-16. Symfony 5: the fast track by trainer Nicolas Grekas, 2-day workshop on June 15-16.

Book now your workshop only ticket, combo workshop and conference ticket or conference only ticket! Join us there!

Ready to join us for 2 days of online conference about Symfony? See you online!

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Utworzony 4y | 21 maj 2021, 07:21:48

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