"If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from an uncontrolled deorbit and fall into the United States or…Europe? There is also the option of dropping a 500-ton structure to India and China. Do you want to threaten them with such a prospect? The ISS does not fly over Russia, so all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them?"
ISS by mala byt aktivna do roku 2028. Kludne nech spadne, zaujimave bude pozorovat, kde pri sucasnom vyvoji bude Rusko v roku 2028.
A samotny rogozin je iba arogatne tupelo, ktore vystudovalo marxizmus, leninizmus.
Istym sposobom sa cudujem tym vedcom tam, ze preco odtial este neusli...
Je to v podstate "nacek"
Cize vlastne v ramci operacie, ktore vykonava Rusko na pomoc svetu - "denacifikacie" by mal byt odstraneny...
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