Philip Goff & Helen De Cruz on Finding (and Losing) Their Religion | Closer To Truth Chats Nathan Lents on Sex, Gender, and Mating | Closer To Truth Chats Richard Swinburne on Evil, Atonement, and Evidence Against God | Closer To Truth Chats Eleonore Stump - How are Humans Different from Other Animals? 6mo | Closer to truth John Heilbron - What Are the Scope and Limits of Science? 6mo | Closer to truth Henry Stapp - Is Consciousness Entirely Physical? 6mo | Closer to truth Barry Loewer - Philosophy of Fine-Tuning 6mo | Closer to truth Lothar Schafer - What is Synchronicity? 6mo | Closer to truth Michael Ruse - Philosophy of Reductionism & Emergence 6mo | Closer to truth Gregory Benford - What Would Intelligent Aliens Mean? 6mo | Closer to truth Ned Block - What is Consciousness? 6mo | Closer to truth Natasha Vita-More - What Makes Personal Identity Continue? 6mo | Closer to truth Michael Shermer - Must the Universe Contain Consciousness? 6mo | Closer to truth << < 26 27 28 29 30 > >> Dołączyć do grupy Szukaj UtworzonyMinął jeden dzieńOstatnie cztery dniMiniony miesiąc Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Sortuj wedługwedług znaczeniaUpvotedNowy pierwszyLiczba zakładekLiczba komentarzy Szukaj