Philip Goff & Helen De Cruz on Finding (and Losing) Their Religion | Closer To Truth Chats Nathan Lents on Sex, Gender, and Mating | Closer To Truth Chats Richard Swinburne on Evil, Atonement, and Evidence Against God | Closer To Truth Chats Giulio Tononi - Is There Anything Non-physical About the Mind? 11mo | Closer to truth Sean Carroll - Why Fine-tuning Seems Designed 11mo | Closer to truth Marilyn Schlitz - Why is ESP So Intriguing? 11mo | Closer to truth Russ Hurlburt - Is Consciousness Unified? 11mo | Closer to truth Roger Penrose - Did the Universe Begin? 11mo | Closer to truth Raissa D'Sousa - Is the World Self-Organizing? 11mo | Closer to truth Richard Swinburne - How Free Will Probes Mind and Consciousness 11mo | Closer to truth NEW: A conversation with Carlo Rovelli 11mo | Closer to truth What is Evolutionary Developmental Biology? | Episode 2303 | Closer To Truth 11mo | Closer to truth Massimo Pigliucci - Philosophy of Ecology & the Environment 12mo | Closer to truth << < 47 48 49 50 51 > >> Dołączyć do grupy Szukaj UtworzonyMinął jeden dzieńOstatnie cztery dniMiniony miesiąc Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Sortuj wedługwedług znaczeniaUpvotedNowy pierwszyLiczba zakładekLiczba komentarzy Szukaj