Philip Goff & Helen De Cruz on Finding (and Losing) Their Religion | Closer To Truth Chats Nathan Lents on Sex, Gender, and Mating | Closer To Truth Chats Richard Swinburne on Evil, Atonement, and Evidence Against God | Closer To Truth Chats Alexander Vilenkin - Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind? 1y | Closer to truth What do you ponder? 1y | Closer to truth Menas Kafatos - Why Is There Anything At All? 1y | Closer to truth Peter van Inwagen - Mysteries of Free Will 1y | Closer to truth Fred Alan Wolf - All Reality Consists of What Things? 1y | Closer to truth Laura Mersini-Houghton - Multiverse: Where Do We Go from Here? 1y | Closer to truth David Albert - What Does Quantum Theory Mean? 1y | Closer to truth Louis Caruana - How Do We Know What We Know? 1y | Closer to truth Eric Schwitzgebel - What Things are Conscious? 1y | Closer to truth Saul Perlmutter - Why Did Our Universe Begin? 1y | Closer to truth << < 55 56 57 58 59 > >> Dołączyć do grupy Szukaj UtworzonyMinął jeden dzieńOstatnie cztery dniMiniony miesiąc Choose a GroupCloser to truth Choose a User Sortuj wedługwedług znaczeniaUpvotedNowy pierwszyLiczba zakładekLiczba komentarzy Szukaj