We're incredibly excited to announce the release of Appwrite 0.8, packed with a ton of cool new features like JWT support, ARM support, Anonymous Login, and more! Last month, we gave a sneak peek of some of the changes, and we're back today to keep y... https://hashnode.com/post/announcing-appwrite-08-an-open-source-self-hosted-baas-ckp2gvybc0143d3s17qfb61zd

In the previous article we went through how to setup and handle deep links for a flutter app. In this article we'll be covering android app links and iOS universal links. But we'll only be setting up app links. App links and Universal links are speci... https://o-ifeanyi.hashnode.dev/deep-linking-in-flutter-part-2

Flutter is Google's SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
Prere... https://bufferoverflow.me/lets-get-started-with-flutter

In this blog, we are going to create our first mobile app using Flutter. Note:- No pre-requisite for creating your first app, but recommend having some tools (like vs code or Android Studio) and Flutter installed to create our first very basic app.... https://jasman19.hashnode.dev/first-app-using-flutter

Deep linking consists of using a uniform resource identifier (URI) that links to a specific location within a mobile app rather than simply launching the app.
For android this is refered to as deeplinks while on iOS it's refered to as custom url sch... https://o-ifeanyi.hashnode.dev/deep-linking-in-flutter-part-1

Preface This article is the third part of the AWS Amplify For Flutter series, that will explore applying Authentication using AWS Amplify in Flutter Do read the first part to learn all about Amplify and the second part for using Amplify DataStore wit... https://techblog.geekyants.com/aws-amplify-for-flutter-part-3-amplify-authentication

Hello Guys👋 As discussed earlier, lets start knowing about widgets🔨. I have searched many resources to learn Flutter and couldn't find any that are more efficient than the Flutter Docs📑 till date (as much as I know). According to me, the document... https://sree-gaya3.hashnode.dev/widget-safearea

Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of selecting a mobile backend for Flutter but I've come across some quite disconcerting information about how 'Secure' Firebase really is? Last year May, whether it was down to individual developers or FireBase, over 1... https://hashnode.com/post/whats-your-experience-using-firebase-with-flutter-ckowxs7h007i1l3s19qpt9nkd

We all know that Google is conducting their event Google I/O 2021 from Tuesday, 18 May to Thursday, 21 May. There are a lot of innovations and updates for the previous versions where are discussed in this event. The coding highlight of the event is t... https://bharadwaj.hashnode.dev/whats-new-in-flutter-22

In this series of AWS Amplify, we have seen Introduction and Setup of Amplify, Amplify DataStore and Amplify Authentication, In this article, we will see what Amplify Storage is, and how to implement it to our Flutter projects. Amplify Storage servi... https://techblog.geekyants.com/aws-amplify-for-flutter-part-4-amplify-storage