What Happens When Build Runs In Flutter

I used to think everything on the screen gets redrawn by flutter pixel by pixel when setstate is called. That would actually result in performance issues if this was the case. In this article we are going to see what actually happens when build runs.... https://o-ifeanyi.hashnode.dev/what-happens-when-build-runs-in-flutter

Animating InteractiveViewer in Flutter. Or how to animate Map in your Game.

In my 4th game in the Loca Deserta Game Universe I am using InteractiveViewer widget in order to implement a map. It allows me to pan, zoom in/out, basically everything you expect from the map in a game:

When the game starts I want to animate fly-ov... https://gladimdim.org/animating-interactiveviewer-in-flutter-or-how-to-animate-map-in-your-game

Secure Local Storage in Flutter

In this article, you will learn how to implement secure local storage in flutter apps. If you have experience with front-end web development, you know we use the browser's local storage to store data in key-value pairs. Similarly, we can store data ... https://blog.bibekkakati.me/secure-local-storage-in-flutter

Dark Theme for Flutter Applications

Introduction One of my favorite features in modern-day applications is the dark theme, and I am sure most of you can relate to the pain of looking at a bright light screen in the middle of the night. Dark theme is good for the eyes, it looks pretty c... https://codereis.hashnode.dev/dark-theme-for-flutter-applications

Easiest Steps On How To Save Data To Firebase Without Adding google-services.json File In Your Flutter App

Often at times, the traditional way of integrating Firebase into your Flutter project is by downloading and adding the google-services.json file in your Flutter project. But, in this article, you will learn how to store data to Firebase Cloud Firesto... https://promise.hashnode.dev/easiest-steps-on-how-to-save-data-to-firebase-without-adding-google-servicesjson-file-in-your-flutter-app-cko16xviz00h4aks19y7meoi5

HIVE the right way !

So in this blog we are gonna talk about using HiveDB in your Flutter applications. You all might be familiar with SharedPreferences right ? , if not thats okay... SharedPreferences are the first choice of all App Developers when it comes to storing ... https://infiniteoverflow.hashnode.dev/hive-the-right-way

Fetch data from the Internet with Flutter.

Most apps need to deal with the internet and fetching data from it is necessary. Flutter and Dart provide tools such as the http package regarding this matter. to fetch data and display it in your app there're steps we'll follow and they're the follo... https://yassine-bennkhay.tech/fetch-data-from-the-internet-with-flutter

Flutter Packages | Things to know before using any Package.
  1. Available Platforms Because flutter is a cross-platform tool, the package we use must support all the platforms we target to build the project.
  2. Verified Publisher They got verified by pub.dev.
  3. Null Safety Supports null safety language featu... https://hashnode.com/post/flutter-packages-or-things-to-know-before-using-any-package-cknyeyye80ey2g1s11jtkbrfp
The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it

Programmers are mostly "learn by doing" types. No amount of academic study or watching other people code can compare to breaking open an editor and start making mistakes. https://kaska.io/the-only-way-to-learn-a-new-programming-language-is-by-writing-programs-in-it

Widget Life Cycles In Flutter

In flutter, a widget is either stateful or stateless. Widgets that change appearance are stateful. for example, it can change its appearance in response to events triggered by user interactions or when it receives data. Checkbox, Radio, Slider, InkWe... https://o-ifeanyi.hashnode.dev/widget-life-cycles-in-flutter
