Remove -- MARK -- from the message log

This small tutorial describes how you can get rid of the -- MARK -- message on Debian GNU/Linux in the message log.

3y | unixsheikh
Keeping the system time precise using NTP

This tutorial describes how you can keep the system time precise using a NTP server.

3y | unixsheikh
Cache your DNS requests using Bind

This tutorial describes how you can speed up DNS requests using BIND as a local cache.

3y | unixsheikh
Encrypting and decrypting files using GnuPG, OpenSSL or Mcrypt

How to encrypt and decrypt a file with GnuPG, OpenSSL or LibreSSL, or Mcrypt using the Advanced Encryption Standard and a password phrase.

3y | unixsheikh
Why I do not like derived Linux distributions

In the world of Linux (also called GNU/Linux) there currently exist over 600 distributions, approximately 300 of those are in active development, constantly being revised and improved, and while most of them look great, only a few of them are actually worth paying attention to IMHO.

3y | unixsheikh
Some personal notes on revision control and backup

This document is based upon some simple notes to myself. I have actually re-writtin this document a couple of times - each time I changed my directory structure, or considered another way to implement some kind of backup solution. Backup may be as simple as a copy or archive-file of a tree of files, or may take advantage of recording small differences since a previous backup, to make efficient use of storage space. This document is about my personal preferences with regard to backup solutions, r

3y | unixsheikh

