Introduction Hello there! In this post i want to share my experience with my first week of learning Flutter. This month Google announced the 30 days of flutter event and i said to myself:
New year, time to learn a new skill and mobile development i... https://danysdevcorner.hashnode.dev/week-1-of-30-days-of-flutter-summary

Hi 👋, everyone and welcome to a brand new tutorial series on Flutter. Today I wanted to write about one of those features in a mobile application, which as you may have guessed from the title, is a webview app in Flutter! If you want to know more ab... https://acctgen1.hashnode.dev/flutter-webview-tutorial-1-convert-a-website-to-an-app-using-flutter

Hi 👋, everyone and welcome to a brand new tutorial series on Flutter. Today I wanted to write about one of those features in a mobile application, which as you may have guessed from the title, is a webview app in Flutter! If you want to know more ab... https://acctgen1.hashnode.dev/flutter-webview-tutorial-1-convert-a-website-into-a-mobile-app

Flutter Listview Examples . Listview is one of the most usable widget types that can be used anywhere. In order to reduce the overload of having various layouts performing the same task(In Android, there are a lot of layouts that perform the same tas... https://tpoint.hashnode.dev/flutter-listview-and-10-listview-examples

My app HookMeUp is now deployed on the PlayStore, feel free to download it HERE! I wanted to share the process I used from idea to actually releasing the app. Today I will share my experience in building the design of HookMeUp, without any design bac... https://jeremybasso.dev/my-journey-to-releasing-my-first-app-2-the-design

Freshchat provides a live chat feature on Web, Mobile and social media platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Spotify etc. It helps in connecting users on different platforms, engage them by helping them interact with each other and henc... https://techblog.geekyants.com/in-app-messaging-in-flutter-with-freshchat

https://fluttergems.dev We are excited to announce the following updates made in this release: New Packages 1000+ new packages have been added (total 2500+) along with 24 new categories with an emphasis on functionality based segregation for easy ac... https://blog.fluttergems.dev/jan-2021-update

Mixing UI and logic inside Flutter widgets is bad. Here's how to refactor a simple app for better separation of concerns, immutability, and type safety using Freezed & State Notifier. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-setstate-freezed-state-notifier-provider/

Flutter is about to have a really big year this year! With the event on March 3rd, 2021 coming up, as well as the community growing bigger and bigger, the upside of Flutter is looking enormous. But this means that there will be a lot of new people st... https://tadaspetra.hashnode.dev/how-to-learn-flutter-in-2021

Graphql is a query language for APIs that gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. It uses one endpoint, and users can structure their ... https://hashnode.com/post/build-a-simple-mobile-app-with-graphql-and-flutter-ckkli89jw005fbds14y0hggj7

"I am your Flutter" I love Star Wars and I love Flutter. So after a brief hiatus from trying fun stuff with Flutter, and looking for good motivation to start writing code again, as well as some other personal reason 😉, I came up with this brilliant ... https://arthur.hashnode.dev/recreating-the-iconic-star-wars-intro-in-flutter

Introduction As a developer its important to always keep learning. Learn about the stuff you know and learn new stuff! I really like how Flutter works and the beautiful Apps you can build with it - Cross Platform! So i decided to myself to dive in in... https://danysdevcorner.hashnode.dev/30-days-of-flutter
![Fluttering in Apple Silicon [Initial impressions]](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/R/o/R/K/P/fluttering-in-apple-silicon-initial-impressions.webp)
Hello everyone! I just got a base model Macbook Air M1 and I will try and give my initial impression on flutter development with it. Lets get right into it. It is said to be fast. But you already knew that. How much? Well it takes 9.2 seconds to bui... https://bigyan.hashnode.dev/fluttering-in-apple-silicon-initial-impressions-ckkl67hl30eqi9ds1hrx3a22y

Flutter is pretty much an interesting frame work that allows you to be able to think logically whilst using the power of your imagination to achieve your layout objectives . This week was about using layout widgets in building the user I terrace of y... https://gbarago.hashnode.dev/my-journey-with-flutter-weekly-diary-week-3

Implementing flutter push notification with background fetch without firebase Watch the video!
Source Code - Show some ❤️ by starring the repo and do follow me 😄 Github 🔗 ###Social Media / Let's Connect �... https://acctgen1.hashnode.dev/flutter-push-notification-with-background-fetch-push-notification-without-firebase-video

Freshchat provides live chat feature on Web, Mobile and social media platforms like Whatsaap, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Spotify etc. It helps connecting users in different platforms, engage them by interacting with each other and hence developing th... https://hashnode.com/post/in-app-messaging-in-flutter-with-freshchat-ckjvgyqm907vtces11omf39mg

In this article, I will be showing how to use Splash Screens in the Flutter app.
Note: A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples
For help getting st... https://ritheshg.hashnode.dev/the-easiest-way-to-use-splash-screens-in-flutter

In May 2017 Google announced a new toolkit framework named Flutter for cross-platform development i.e. a framework to develop for platforms like Android, IOS etc. So now the question arises that since we already have frameworks like Ionic(2013) by... https://jasman19.hashnode.dev/flutter-the-ui-toolkit-by-google

Hello everyone, I'm excited to be sharing this article with you all. At the end of this article, you will learn how to build a Face Filter App from scratch using Flutter and Deep AR. So let start. What is DeepAR? DeepAR is a web platform that provide... https://promise.hashnode.dev/easiest-steps-to-build-a-face-filter-app-with-flutter-and-deep-ar-ckk29rva60c3zqps17hnz31xn

Hi there! I’m excited to share my flutter journey with you💃🏿💃🏿 I would love this to be a series and a record of how much I’ve learned in my journey as a flutter developer. And, as the saying goes, “We never stop learning". So, do well to send me ... https://Cynthia_Peter.hashnode.dev/flutter-101-get-started-with-flutter-ckk46sso803nlios1966h18t0

Flutter is leading the mobile app revolution. It won over every mobile technology and became the only choice for cross-platform app development. Follow along and check our list of essential Flutter interview questions and answers that will trend on m... https://devinterview.hashnode.dev/flutter-interview-questions-and-answers-for-mobile-app-developers

WHY! Imagine two guys just talking about some tech/framework (very easy to imagine I'm sure) which is fascinating to them and just like anybody else gets too excited to a point where one of them describes an idea f... https://noodleweb.hashnode.dev/dndr-a-flutter-app-for-optimal-use

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new tutorial series on Flutter. Today we’re going to be integrating hashnode API into our flutter application. Let's get started So actually, I built this app during the #christmashackathon challenge then but I w... https://acctgen1.hashnode.dev/flutter-app-hashnode-api-app-presentation

Check Complete Site Here First, make a flutter app in your ide and write your code in the dart. I used the velocityx package in this project. you can learn complete velocity from here You can check the complete flutter project web release code her... https://flutterdevlkrj.hashnode.dev/make-a-flutter-web-appwebsite-and-deploy-on-vercel-a-portfolio-project

My app HookMeUp is now deployed on the PlayStore, feel free to download it HERE ! I wanted to share the process I used from idea to actually releasing the app. The Idea Tech constraints The idea was to develop a mobile app using Flutter. The reason i... https://jeremybasso.dev/my-journey-to-releasing-my-first-app-1-the-idea

It's been many days since my last post and I am sorry that I was stuck with procrastination and also having a problem with the internet (Let's stop here about my problems 😔). Introduction Today we are going build a Story-based quiz app by that I mea... https://codingmonkey.hashnode.dev/lets-build-destini-a-story-based-quiz-app
As a college student, I thought of getting started with Android Development and I started a journey to find a way to install Flutter SDK without using or installing Android Studio, as Android Studio takes a lot of RAM, and the setup took me two days... https://elysian12.com/install-flutter-sdk-on-windows-without-android-studio2021

MVP in flutter MVP Architecture Models - View - Presenter architecture is an extended version on model - view - controller architecture which is mostly used to design User Interfaces.
In my personal experience MVP is the best design pattern or archi... https://watchireshstruggle.hashnode.dev/mvpflutter

Dart is a simple and powerful language, which is, in its nature, complies to be efficient with everybody’s own javascript.
Table of Contents
What Is Dart? Why Flutter uses Dart? How Dart enables developers to develop a Flutter app quickly and deplo... https://kumarankit.hashnode.dev/why-flutter-loves-dart

We continue to receive great feedback from the Parabeac Core community on how to make our design to Flutter code converter better. Our community told us that they need the code output to configure with their preferred state management architecture. W... https://siliconivan.hashnode.dev/bloc-provider-and-riverpod-support-parabeac-core-v13-ckk798qyo00kog1s12s3g7e8g

Mobile application development is one of the leading and fast growing technologies among developers and there is always an increase in the number of developers. With new learning enthusiasts trying to learn app development they would have surely come... https://mohammedrehan.hashnode.dev/setup-a-physical-device-for-app-development

March is coming and with that, the next big Flutter event is also close. Scheduled on March 3rd of this year some big rumors have already surfaced up, like Flutter for web might get a stable release and many more. It's no better time to learn Flutter... https://shashankbiplav.me/getting-started-with-flutter-and-building-your-first-app

There are a number of choices when it comes to choosing the language for mobile or web application development. You have Java, Swift, and React Native that are already well-established in the app development industry. Why Learn Flutter When There Are... https://heshanfu.hashnode.dev/7-reasons-to-choose-flutter-for-mobile-app-development-in-2021-ckkauc3ow04fvvas199ns2qos

Writing Dart🎯 code is always fun because I think that it organizes itself more elegantly when auto-formatted. It looks damn gorgeous😍 right! I hope you have read my previous post where I discussed in detail creating your first app with Flutter. It ... https://shashankbiplav.me/flutter-basics-understanding-dart

Have you ever thought to improve performance i.e, stop/start services when an app is in the background/foreground respectively? Then you should know, how to handle Flutter Application LifeCycle. For LifeCycle, you need to implement the abstract class... https://blog.learncodeonline.in/flutter-application-lifecycle

Hello Guys👋. I was thinking of writing technical articles for many months and am stuck on where to start and what to write in my first article🤔. Recently, I started learning Flutter and thought that documenting my learnings would be helpful. So fi... https://sree-gaya3.hashnode.dev/getting-started-with-flutter-set-up-your-environment

Hello awesome developers in this post I will cover the following points What is Flutter? Why should you learn flutter? From where you can learn flutter? ( Free & Paid resources)
1.What is flutter? Flutter is a UI Development Open Source Toolkit deve... https://viralvaghela.hashnode.dev/what-is-flutter-why-you-should-learn-it-in-2021

Hey All,
I back with yet another app which I built while following the Angela Yu course which I am going to share with you guys. This BMI Calculator app is heavy on design and does need more improvements to functionality perspective. Let me give you... https://codingmonkey.hashnode.dev/lets-build-a-bmi-calculator-app-with-flutter-part-1

Hey All👋,
I am writing this post in continuation of the previous post where I started creating a BMI Calculator app. which is going to see something like this
Input PageResult Page
And stopped when our App looked like this
Things To Be Im... https://codingmonkey.hashnode.dev/lets-build-a-bmi-calculator-app-with-flutter-part-2

TL;DR I work on a startup that is trying to merge the gap between design & developer workflows using Flutter, where we open-sourced a tool called Parabeac-Core. We learned that users of Parabeac-Core need the exported code to map in a way that is mor... https://hashnode.com/post/adding-flutter-state-management-support-to-an-open-source-design-to-flutter-converter-ckkh9hsr503au7ks10zxog3gu

An overview of Flutter's built-in widgets for managing state, along with links to the best resources from the official Flutter documentation. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-basics/

Two effective techniques for reducing code generation times for Flutter apps that use with build_runner. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/speed-up-code-generation-build-runner-dart-flutter/

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 2 shows how to build an email and password form with validation, and how to add Firebase to the project (iOS setup included). https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part2/

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 3 shows how to sign in with Firebase authentication, add the registration flow, write asynchronous code with async/await, and handle errors. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part3/

Let's see how to use platform channels by building an image picker on iOS, and using it from the Dart code. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/platform-channels-flutter/

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 4 shows how to redirect user to a welcome screen after logging in. Also how to refactor the authentication code into a separate reusable class. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part4/

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 5 shows how to add a root widget and control what UI to show depending on authentication state. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part5/

Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 6 shows how to create a home page and complete the sign out flow. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-part6/

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 1: quick tour and project setup. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-robohash-add-avatar-part1/

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 2: creating a configurable Avatar class, using the http package, and using FutureBuilder to load content asynchronously and handle loading / success / error states. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-robohash-add-avatar-part2/

How to add an avatar image to your app by using FutureBuilder and the RoboHash API. Part 3: customising appearance with BoxDecoration, adding a border with a circle shape and a background gradient, and more. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-robohash-add-avatar-part3/

How to build basic layouts in Flutter. Also included: MainAxisAlignment, MainAxisSize, CrossAxisAlignment, Baseline, AlignmentDirectional, LayoutBuilder, SizedBox. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-layouts-walkthrough-part1-row-column-stack-expanded-padding/

List of the most useful IntelliJ/Android Studio shortcuts for better productivity. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-keyboards-shortcuts/

How to build layouts with scrollable pages, lists, grids, and other convenience widgets. Includes slivers and their usage to create a hero image effect. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-layouts-walkthrough-part2-scrollable-widgets/

How to implement a Firebase-backed multiple-counter app with different state management techniques. Evaluation of their tradeoffs. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-state-management-setstate-streambuilder-scopedmodel-redux/

A guide to implementing multiple independent navigation stacks with BottomNavigationBar in Flutter. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/multiple-navigators-bottom-navigation-bar/

How to use InheritedWidget to provide scoped access to dependencies within a widget tree, as opposed to constructor dependency injection. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-scoped-access-inherited-widget/

How to extract business logic from your apps into testable classes, and write unit tests in Flutter. Uses a login demo example to write email & password validation tests. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-add-unit-tests-to-your-app/

Deep dive into widget tests. Introduces WidgetTester, Finder, matcher objects, and shows how to write tests for a login screen. Includes test mocks, mockito, acceptance criteria. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-deep-dive-widget-tests-mockito/

How to dock a floating action button in the middle of a BottomAppBar. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/bottom-bar-navigation-with-fab/

Let's see how to use some custom code to add animated overlays and reveal action options from a FAB. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/adding-animated-overlays-to-your-app/

Overview of regular expressions (regex). How to implement a Regex validator in Dart and integrate it with Flutter's TextField widget, so that we can validate user input. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-input-validation-with-regexp/

Let's see how to load a CSV file into strongly-typed model classes, that can be used to calculate CO2 emissions for flights between two airports. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flight-co2-calculator/

Let's learn about color gradients, composition, writing reusable UI code, and CupertinoSegmentedControl. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/the-power-of-small-reusable-widgets/

Flutter is awesome! Big thanks to the Flutter team and all the people in the wider community that keep pushing this project to new heights and sharing new learning material. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/my-favourite-flutter-resources/

Tutorial showing how to switch between Material and Cupertino widgets, and increase code reuse by building a platform-aware abstract base class with concrete sub-classes. Includes an overview of dialogs and their platform-specific differences. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-platform-aware-widgets-dialogs/

Controversial article with some history and a detailed comparison between Flutter and native iOS development. Includes an example showing how to build a contact list in Flutter and iOS. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-will-change-everything/

Clarifications and apologies following my previous article. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-on-ios-a-follow-up/

Detailed side-by-side comparison of language features between Dart 2.1 and Swift 4.2. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/dart-vs-swift-a-comparison/

Retrospective article about my year as a Flutter developer, blogger and YouTuber in 2018. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/my-2018-year-in-review/

Dart introduction showing how to write a simple program in Dartpad. Includes variable declaration and initialization, string interpolation, type inference, var, final and dynamic. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/intro-to-dart-part1-variables-types/

Dart introduction covering functions, including return types, optional parameters, nullability and default values, named parameters and the arrow operator. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/intro-to-dart-part2-functions/

Dart introduction covering classes, including class & super constructors, instance methods, inheritance, base Object classes and the toString() method, abstract classes and computed properties. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/intro-to-dart-part3-classes/

Dart introduction covering list, maps and generics with type annotations. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/intro-to-dart-part4-collections-generics/

Dart introduction covering if & else statements, the ternary operator, while and for loops, closures and the fold method, enumerations and switch statements. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/intro-to-dart-part5-control-flow/

Continuation on my video series on how to build a login flow with Firebase. It shows how to use StreamBuilder with the onAuthStateChanged stream to simplify authentication state logic in Flutter apps. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-streams-streambuilder/

This article introduces a new architectural pattern that I often use in my Flutter Apps. It is inspired by BLoCs and RxVMS. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/wabs-practical-architecture-flutter-apps/

In this article we implement a simple authentication flow in Flutter, in less than 100 lines of code. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/simple-authentication-flow-with-flutter/

This article shows how to use scoped access with Provider when using service classes in our Flutter apps. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/global-access-vs-scoped-access/

Introducing my reference authentication demo with Flutter & Firebase on GitHub, supporting multiple authentication methods and best coding practices. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-reference-demo/

Let's see how use service classes to encapsulate 3rd party libraries and APIs, and decouple them from the rest of the application. We will use authentication as a concrete example of this. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/designing-an-authentication-service-api/

Code walkthrough for the authentication code in my Flutter & Firebase reference authentication demo on GitHub. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-firebase-auth-service-provider-valuenotifier/

A comparison of different state management techniques, using a simple authentication flow as an example. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/state-management-setstate-bloc-valuenotifier/

Overview and practical use cases of type inference, final & const, named & positional parameters, @required & default values. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/dart-features-part1-types-params/

Overview of the 'Dart as UI' features introduced in Dart 2.3. Uses a fitness tracker custom UI as an example. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/dart-features-part2-spreads-collectionif-collectionfor/

In-depth overview of Slivers and how to use them (part 1). Includes a demo app showing how to use SliverAppBar and SliverPersistentHeader. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-slivers-overview-sliverappbar-sliverpersistentheader/

In-depth overview of Slivers and how to use them (part 2). Includes a demo app showing how to use SliverList, SliverGrid, SliverToBoxAdapter, SliverFillRemaining. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-slivers-overview-sliverlist-slivergrid/

Overview of the tools I use in my Flutter app development workflow. Including Sketch, Supernova, VS Code, GitUp, GitHub, Firebase, Codemagic. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/design-develop-deliver/