
posty wysłane przez: Mmm7777
Decrypting Cryptography

Eric and John talk about their first release and the October 2021 issue, Decrypting Cryptography Topics Covered Cryptography 101 What I Wish Something Told Me About SQL Database Design Education Station: Windows 11 for PHP Development The Workshop: Nitro Design Patterns by Moonlight: The Dragon Wrangling Pattern Sebastian Bergmann and the PHPUnit project part 2 […] The post Decrypting Cryptography appeared first on php[architect].

v25.79 - v30.24

git diff --shortstat 1d4e83e4 b5263765a9dd2235c78ab20aea57c1fc13f46893

1835 files changed, 225821 insertions(+), 32705 deletions(-)

3y | Daily log
PHP Annotated – April 2020

Greetings everyone, This April edition of PHP Annotated overviews 10 new RFCs from PHP Internals, Composer 2.0 alpha, and other releases, as well as articles on Laravel and Symfony, best practices, useful tools, videos, and podcasts. ⚡️ News & Releases PHP 7.4.5, PHP 7.3.17, and PHP 7.2.30 are released. Composer v2.0 Alpha – April 5 […]

PHP Annotated – June 2020

Greetings everyone, Please welcome the June edition of PHP Annotated! PHP internals have been very active and here are 3 accepted and 6 new RFCs, including alternative syntax for attributes — @@ and why #[] is better. There also has been some drama around renaming in the PHP world, and about PHP developers’ debugging practices. […]

PHP Annotated – August 2020

Greetings everyone, Please welcome the August installment of PHP Annotated! PHP 8 has reached feature freeze and received a few last big additions: the nullsafe operator, named arguments, and saner string to number comparison. The syntax for attributes, though, has not yet been decided. Read the full story behind the attributes from the initial proposal […]

PHP Annotated – September 2020

Greetings everyone, I hope you are all ready for September’s installment of PHP Annotated! In it, we have the additional PHP 8 beta 4 release, the PHP community’s momentum with the generics discussion in Internals, and the Community Synergy Initiative. There are some interesting releases like Laravel 8, Composer 2.0 RC 1, and PoC for […]

PHP Annotated – October 2020

Greetings everyone! In our October edition of PHP Annotated you can read about the upcoming PHP 8, Xdebug 3 beta, short functions, and multiline arrow functions proposals in Internals. And as usual, we’ve got a load of useful articles, tools, videos, and podcasts to tell you about, too. ⚡️ News & Releases PHP 8.0.0 RС […]

PHP Annotated – January 2021

Greetings everyone, In this edition of PHP Annotated, read about the top PHP news from the year so far. These include PHP 8.0.1 and other releases, fibers for async PHP, Enums, first native attributes, and other proposals for PHP 8.1. And as usual, we’ve got a load of articles, tools, videos, and streams, carefully selected […]

PHP Annotated – February 2021

Greetings everyone, In this edition of PHP Annotated, you can read about the latest release of PHP, updates of PSR standards, and the new RFC proposals. As usual, we’ve curated a collection of PHP-related articles, tools, videos, and streams to share with you. ⚡️ News PHP 8.0.2, 7.4.15, 7.3.27 The 8.0 and 7.4 updates include […]

PHP Annotated – March 2021

Greetings everyone, In this edition of PHP Annotated, read about the latest proposals for PHP 8.1, releases of, RoadRunner 2.0, and the newly proposed PSR ClockInterface standard. And as usual, we’ve got a load of articles, tools, videos, and streams carefully selected for you. ⚡️ News PHP 8.0.3, PHP 7.4.16 – Regular bug-fix updates […]

PHP Annotated — May 2021

Greetings everyone! PHP 8.0 is gaining momentum and adoption is increasing, as evidenced by Composer’s statistics. Meanwhile, PHP internals have accepted a bunch of changes for PHP 8.1, including a new never type and namespaces in bundled PHP extensions, and some features that will be deprecated. The PHP 8.1 release managers have been selected, and […]

PHP Annotated — August 2021

Greetings everyone! PHP 8.1 has reached the second beta and the list of changes has been finalized. The final piece left to decide on is the nullability of intersection types, which is being voted on right now. Meanwhile, PHP internals are already discussing features for the next release. Read on to learn about the first […]

PHP Annotated — September 2021

Greetings everyone! PHP 8.1 has reached the first release candidate and the list of changes has been finalized. We’ll see at least 5 more release candidates before the final release, which is planned for the end of November. Meanwhile, discussions are already taking place in PHP internals regarding three more proposals for PHP 8.2: operator […]

PHP Annotated — October 2021

Greetings everyone! Here are some highlights from the world of PHP over the last month. PHP 8.1 RC3 is out, and the first package that uses enumerations is already available! A community fork of Magento has been announced. In addition to PSRs, there will be a new type of recommendation called PERs. Symfony 6 will […]