
posty wysłane przez: Tomas_r2
The AI industry is growing up. And the stakes are only getting higher

ChatGPT was the tech story of 2023 because it put the power of language AI directly into the hands of consumers. And yet ChatGPT was just the outside wrapper, the user interface, sitting atop a stack of foundation models, server chips, and other enabling technologies all working in the background. And it’s from within the realm of these enabling technologies that some of 2023’s most meaningful advancem

An In-Depth Guide And Best Practices For Mobile SEO via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Discover the importance of mobile SEO. Learn how to optimize your site for mobile devices and improve user experience.

The post An In-Depth Guide And Best Practices For Mobile SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The 10 Best Video Search Engines via @sejournal, @theshelleywalsh

Unlock the potential of video search engines for your digital marketing strategy. Seek inspiration from these top picks so you can craft the perfect video.

The post The 10 Best Video Search Engines appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Anatomie nesmyslu: Zatmění Slunce, CERN, anglický Antikrist a dárek z Indie

V pondělí 8. dubna se nad úzkým pruhem Spojených států, od Texasu po Maine, na pár minut zatmí Slunce. Dávné úzkosti se vyvalily v podobě záplavy konspirací, které bez problémů nabalily další spuštění LHC v CERNu, blouznění okultisty horolezce a jednu skulpturu, darovanou s dobrým úmyslem.

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How astronomers broke the speed of sound to see a total solar eclipse for 74 minutes

Total solar eclipses are a mind-expanding demonstration of “the right place at the right time”—and for centuries, scientists and enthusiasts have voyaged to get there in the hopes that they might catch a glimpse of the sun’s corona, probe the solar wind, test theories like relativity, and simply experience the sublime wonder and dread that comes with being part of a rare cosmic alignment.

The most serious umbraphiles,

NASA slaví díky poznatku z Česka

Důvodem k radosti je objev jubilejní komety. Mnohde se lze dočíst, že se na úspěchu podílí Praha. Není to nepravda, ale sluší se dodat, že objevitel je amatérský astronom z jihu Číny, který u nás momentálně jen studuje.

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Podivuhodný autonomní „věčný“ dron se nabíjí na elektrickém vedení

Mohl by si dron v krajině sám shánět energii? Proč ne, když se dokáže nabíjet z drátu elektrického vedení. Přesně tohle umí „parazitický“ dronový systém, který vyvíjejí na dánské Syddansk Universitet pro inspekce elektrické rozvodné sítě. Důmyslný nápad by ale mohl mít daleko širší využití. Elektrické dráty jsou skoro úplně všude.

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How manufacturing is discovering new virtuous circles as it moves toward a more circular economy

Simple economics have been pushing manufacturers to find less energy-intensive ways to make things, and companies that make the machinery to power a greener economy are benefiting too. “You go where the dollars go,” sums up Elfrun von Koeller, an analyst with Boston Consulting Group. “Trillions of dollars of value creation will move into renewable spaces.”

Take the oldest enterprise on Fast Company’s list of the most innovative companies in manufacturing,

From fleet monitoring to fighting money laundering, these companies are putting data to work

Data science thrives when advanced computing power is brought to bear on troves of information. In 2024, that’s exactly what’s happening. Blue chip companies have gone all-in on data gathering. Now, they want AI-powered tools to help them make sense of it. Those on Fast Company’s list of Most Innovative Companies in data science are leading this boom, helping multibillion-dollar i

Meta Plans A Less Punitive AI-Generated Content Policy via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Meta announces new policy on AI-generated content that affects Facebook, Instagram and Threads that focuses on transparency over removing content

The post Meta Plans A Less Punitive AI-Generated Content Policy appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Is anyone buying the Apple Vision Pro? This report offers a clue

On February 2, in what was ostensibly supposed to be the most significant gadget launch of the year, if not the decade, the Apple Vision Pro went on sale to the public. In the run-up to the launch, there were countless think pieces on how Apple’s first new device in nearly 10 years could change the tech industry—and perhaps society. Heck, I even wrote a piece exploring whether snapping up a Vision Pro

#424 – Bassem Youssef: Israel-Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, Middle East, Satire & Fame

Bassem Youssef is an Egyptian-American comedian & satirist, referred to as the Jon Stewart of the Arab World. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:

EPISODE LINKS: Bassem's X: Bassem's Instagram: https://ins

This new fund lets you invest in private tech startups like SpaceX and OpenAI

Some of today’s hottest companies have remained untouchable for investors. Stripe, for instance, was valued at $65 billion in February. And SpaceX is estimated to be worth $175 billion. If accurate, that puts Stripe at a level higher than S

What a year building AI has taught Stack Overflow

We sit down with Jessica Clark, a senior data scientist at Stack Overflow, to discuss how our company approaches generative AI and data quality.

Pěkný úlovek: Vědci vystopovali první superzemi ve vázané rotaci

Data emeritního vesmírného infrateleskopu Spitzer opět prokázala, jak nesmírně mohou být užitečná. Posloužila k důmyslnému dokladu vázané rotace u exoplanety LHS 3844b, která jednou za 11 hodin oběhne svého červeného trpaslíka. Gravitační síly ji přinutily, aby byla ke hvězdě natočená stále stejnou stranou.

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A local paper went bankrupt. Now a far-away buyer wants its assets

For 155 years, the Santa Barbara News-Press and its predecessors played a fundamental role in the California coastal city as its primary broadsheet newspaper. The paper’s historic legacy is messy, especially in the modern era.

But even a complicated legacy, marked by years of decline, deserves better than fears that it could live a second life as a “zombie website,” a type of news site infamous for replacing high-quality archives with low-quality or even AI-generated

This ‘literacy pen’ instantly teaches you to read and write

The World Literacy Foundation and Dutch marketing firm Media.Monks have teamed up to create a pen designed to help millions of people around the world grappling with illiteracy.   The device, dubbed Literacy Pen, is compatible with any standard pen or pencil. Users

11mo | The Next Web
Apple layoffs: iPhone maker cuts over 600 jobs after reportedly killing off car its project

Since late 2022, every major tech company has initiated mass layoffs—with the exception of Apple. But now that is finally about to change. According to information the iPhone maker filed with the State of California’s Employment Development Department, the company is preparing to let go more than 600 employees. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s first mass layoff in recent years.

Why is Apple laying off empl

The race to commercialise fusion energy is on. Europe could lead the charge

The unimaginably complex task of creating, containing, and commercialising fusion energy is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientific endeavours of our time.  Since the 1950s, hoards of the world’s top scientists and engineers have toiled away

11mo | The Next Web
There are almost 10,000 satellites orbiting Earth—and that’s creating a booming space economy

By the numbers, the space industry is, effectively, the satellite industry. Around $17.9 billion was invested in the global space economy in 2023, according to the most recent quarterly report from Space Capital, an early-stage venture firm foc

FabricNano’s cell-free biotech could make microplastics a thing of the past

When researchers revealed the results of a study on the prevalence of microplastics in human placentas earlier this year, the findings were profoundly disturbing. Researchers analysed 62 placental tissue samples — and found microplastics in all of them.  In the

11mo | The Next Web
Will AI Replace SEO Specialists? via @sejournal, @wburton27

Is AI coming for all our jobs? Learn how AI is reshaping the SEO industry and what it means for SEO specialists.

The post Will AI Replace SEO Specialists? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Jigar Shah is on a multi-billion dollar mission to upgrade U.S. energy for the AI age

Jigar Shah is in a race against time, his progress measured in part by a map on his office wall. Each point on the map represents a project financed by the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office, where Shah is the director. The 60 active LPO-financed initiatives include a factory for EV batteries or sustainable aviation fuel, a grid upgrade, and a next-gen geothermal plant.

Shah’s obscure office is now busy reviewing

41 Tips & Best Practices To Create Great Webinars via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Discover 41 best practices for creating engaging and effective webinars that resonate with your target audience, drive leads, and help you achieve your ROI goals.

The post 41 Tips & Best Practices To Create Great Webinars appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Americké vesmírné síly a Astroscale U.S. vyvíjejí orbitální tanker

Když dojde satelitu na orbitě šťáva, je s ním obvykle konec. Z šikovného zařízení se stane satelitní odpad. Teď by to měl změnit orbitální tanker APS-R (Astroscale Prototype Servicer for Refueling), který zajistí doplňování paliva satelitům na oběžné dráze. Zájem amerických vesmírných sil naznačuje, že půjde o technologický průlom strategického významu.

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Opinion: Tech can’t cure the loneliness that it’s creates

Technology is often accused of causing loneliness. The US Surgeon General recently warned that tech can deepen isolation, increase fear of missing out, and reduce social interaction. Surveys frequently show that isolation among young people surges when their so

11mo | The Next Web
Why this college student ended up on academic probation after using Grammarly

Marley Stevens posted a video on TikTok last semester that she described as a public service announcement to any college student. Her message: Don’t use grammar-checking software if your professor might run your paper through an AI-detection system. 

Stevens is a junior at the University of North Georgia, and she has been unusually public about what she calls a “debacle,” in which she was accus

Brands, your customers are OK with AI chatbots, but that doesn’t mean they want junky AI content

If you’re a brand on social media (and which brand isn’t?), you need to tread carefully when it comes to using AI across your social channels. That’s according to a new survey from social media analytics company Sprout Social, which reveals that consumers are more favorable to some types of AI use over others.

First the positive

Sprout Social’s survey found that a majority of consu

CEOs, what if you could turn your customers into shareholders? This fintech is making it happen

Stock rewards have obvious appeal to shoppers: Why not own a piece of the company where you’re spending money? It’s possible that those programs may become more common in the near future, as the company powering stock rewards programs recently won patent approval and is hoping to see them expand.

Apex Fintech Solutions, a self-described “fintech for fintechs,” which powers much of the behind-the-scenes technology and workflows for several popular companies in the space,

Why workers are leaving fossil fuel jobs — and what to do if you feel like ‘climate quitting’

Are you frustrated with your employer’s lack of commitment to sustainability? Maybe “climate quitting” is for you. Climate quitting means leaving your job due to concerns about your employer’s impact on the climate or because you want to work directly on addressing

11mo | The Next Web
Startup secures €7.6M for sand battery that can heat a small town

Last month, Finnish startup Polar Night Energy announced that it is building a giant sand battery capable of heating a town of 5,000 people for up to a month. That’s on a single charge.  Polar Night is constructing the sand batt

11mo | The Next Web
Forget PowerPoint: This is the AI presentation app of the future

It’s tough to think of two words that seem more at odds with each other than “beautiful” and “presentation.” I mean, have you seen a PowerPoint slide deck lately?

That disconnect is something Mitch Grasso’s been grappling with for years. In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to describe it as motivating his life mission at this point—to achieve the impossible-seeming feat of turning mundane digital presentations into something both bea

What Is The Impact Of Having Zero Impression Google Ad Keywords/Ad Groups? via @sejournal, @navahf

Discover the difference between zero impressions and low search volume keywords on Google. Learn how to prepare and optimize your ad groups.

The post What Is The Impact Of Having Zero Impression Google Ad Keywords/Ad Groups? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

TNW Podcast: Flying cars and invisibility shields; Svilen Rangelov on drones and Dronamics

Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry. In today’s episode, Linnea and Andrii talk

11mo | The Next Web
Silo AI launches Nordic LLM family to protect Europe’s linguistic diversity

Europe’s linguistic diversity has received a boost into the AI era with the launch of new LLMs for Nordic languages. Fittingly named Viking, the model family is the brainchild of Finnish startup Silo AI. The company claims to host Europe’s largest private AI la

11mo | The Next Web
This startup detects heart disease using motion sensors in your phone

Health tech has a rocky history. For every story of the Apple Watch saving someone’s life, there’s a Theranos out there ruining it for everyone. Yet the sector marches on. We all want to be healthy and know more about our bodies —

11mo | The Next Web
Jihokorejský tokamak KSTAR udržel 100 milionů °C plazma 48 sekund

Tokamak KSTAR v jihokorejském Tedžonu nedávno překonal svůj „osobní“ rekord. Vytvořil plazma o teplotě nitra Slunce a udržel ho po dobu 48 sekund. Je to významný úspěch, byť ve stínu čínského tokamaku EAST. Konečným cílem tokamaku KSTAR je udržet takové plazma 5 minut.

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Apple declares the iPhone 6 Plus ‘obsolete’ and says iPad Mini 4 is ‘vintage’

Time marches quickly for just about anyone. But in the technology world, it can positively gallop.

Apple has declared the iPhone 6 Plus to be “obsolete” technology, meaning it will no longer repair or service the device—and service providers are no longer able to order parts for the products.

The declaration for older technology comes roughly seven years after the company has stopped offering it at retail. The iPhone 6

How I’m filling the Twitter-size hole in my life

Back in early 2015, I hit a personal Twitter verbosity record by tweeting an average of 25 times a day. Last month, on the service now known as X, I posted a mere 49 times in total. No wonder I’m less engaged: Of the six people I tweeted with most often in 2016, only one shows up more than very occasionally nowadays—mostly to promote his projects elsewhere,

Slack claims victory as Microsoft will split Teams from Office

Facing antitrust concerns, Microsoft announced plans to sell its chat app Microsoft Teams separately from Microsoft Office, a victory for rival chat app Slack, which has complained that selling the two programs together constitutes an “illegal” practice by the company, Reuters reported Monday.

Teams was a

What’s happening at Amazon: AWS lays off hundreds as Fresh grocery stores ditch Just Walk Out tech

Some big changes are happening in Amazon stores, while Amazon Web Services (AWS) has axed more employees.

Amazon is ditching its Just Walk Out program, which allowed customers in Amazon Fresh stores to do just that: exit with their items, without ever checking out.

The technology sounds ideal, but the systems, which were expensive to install, were also riddled with errors. Instead of a traditional checkout line, it relied on a host of cameras and workers watching them, as

My Apple Watch went haywire and called 911

Earlier this week, I was just about to sit down to dinner when I glanced at my wrist and noticed that my Apple Watch was going absolutely haywire. The screen was furiously flittering among apps as if controlled by some invisible person who was pressing buttons at lightning speed. Within seconds, my Series 9 had somehow changed my daily fitness goals, sent a random Slack message to all my coworkers (“Hello!”), and, to my horror, was now calling 911. Which I was helpless to stop.


Sinatra sings Nirvana: Here’s why 200 music artists just signed an open letter critical of AI

It was only a matter of time before musicians joined writers, actors, and filmmakers in banding together against the threat AI poses on their art and livelihood. On Tuesday, nonp