
posty wysłane przez: Tomas_r2
Slack claims victory as Microsoft will split Teams from Office

Facing antitrust concerns, Microsoft announced plans to sell its chat app Microsoft Teams separately from Microsoft Office, a victory for rival chat app Slack, which has complained that selling the two programs together constitutes an “illegal” practice by the company, Reuters reported Monday.

Teams was a

What’s happening at Amazon: AWS lays off hundreds as Fresh grocery stores ditch Just Walk Out tech

Some big changes are happening in Amazon stores, while Amazon Web Services (AWS) has axed more employees.

Amazon is ditching its Just Walk Out program, which allowed customers in Amazon Fresh stores to do just that: exit with their items, without ever checking out.

The technology sounds ideal, but the systems, which were expensive to install, were also riddled with errors. Instead of a traditional checkout line, it relied on a host of cameras and workers watching them, as

My Apple Watch went haywire and called 911

Earlier this week, I was just about to sit down to dinner when I glanced at my wrist and noticed that my Apple Watch was going absolutely haywire. The screen was furiously flittering among apps as if controlled by some invisible person who was pressing buttons at lightning speed. Within seconds, my Series 9 had somehow changed my daily fitness goals, sent a random Slack message to all my coworkers (“Hello!”), and, to my horror, was now calling 911. Which I was helpless to stop.


Sinatra sings Nirvana: Here’s why 200 music artists just signed an open letter critical of AI

It was only a matter of time before musicians joined writers, actors, and filmmakers in banding together against the threat AI poses on their art and livelihood. On Tuesday, nonp

10 highly rated companies with more than 600 open remote jobs

The best remote jobs are at companies that aren’t only open-minded about where you live but also great places to work, period! These well-known tech companies each have Glassdoor reviews of at least four stars and plenty of work-from-home jobs to fill.

Nvidia: 157 jobs

The longtime king of high-end graphics, Nvidia is also

New space mission aims to create solar eclipses on-demand with satellites

Days before a total solar eclipse sweeps across North America, scientists in Europe have revealed another plan to block out the sun. The audacious project — called Proba-3 — will align two spacecraft to produce artificial eclipses. By creating this complicated

11mo | The Next Web
Mistral AI, Europe’s OpenAI rival, adds top LLM to Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock, the tech giant’s platform for building generative AI applications, has added Mistral Large, the latest and most advanced Large Language Model (LLM) of Mistral AI, to its service. The Paris-based startup released the model in February, boasting

11mo | The Next Web
Quantinuum, Microsoft claim to have quieted quantum computing ‘noise’

Two of the leaders in quantum technologies, Quantinuum and Microsoft, today announced a breakthrough in reducing ‘noise’ that could mean quantum advantage is closer than previously thought. When it comes to quantum computing, noise refers to int

11mo | The Next Web
Have a cool cleantech project? Jigar Shah has $400 billion to lend

Jigar Shah is in a race against time, his progress measured in part by a map on his office wall. Each point on the map represents a project financed by the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office, where Shah is the director. The 60 active LPO-financed initiatives include a factory for EV batteries or sustainable aviation fuel, a grid upgrade, and a next-gen geothermal plant.

Shah’s obscure office is now busy reviewing

Opera is now the first leading browser with built-in local LLMs

Opera now becomes the first major browser to offer built-in access to local AI models. Starting today, the Oslo-based company is introducing experimental support for 150 variants of local Large Language Models (LLMs), covering approximately 50 families. These

11mo | The Next Web
Děsivý strašný zub

…aneb Kdo byl prvním vědecky popsaným tyranosauridem?

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The new tech trends set to shape the smart cities of tomorrow

The World Bank estimates that by 2050 the global urban population will double in size, putting ever-increasing pressure on city streets, housing markets, infrastructure, government services, and the environment. Luckily, over the last few years, advancements in t

11mo | The Next Web
Carpooling rebounds as BlaBlaCar raises €100M and reaches profitability

Carpooling’s resurgence continued today as France’s BlaBlaCar reached two big new milestones. The Paris-based trip-sharing service has raised a €100mn credit line and hit profitability over the last 24 months — its first full years in the black. The company plans to us

11mo | The Next Web
AI is taking over your web browser. Here’s what you’ll love . . . and hate

Generative AI is coming to your web browser whether you want it or not.

Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Arc and other browsers are all trying to change how we interact with the web, using AI to boil down web articles and make browsing more efficient. As with the race to reinvent web search around AI, the hope is that you won’t have to load a dozen browser tabs and scrutinize each one t

Lstivá generativní inteligence GPT-4 je mnohem přesvědčivější než lidé

Experimenty s přesvědčováním mezi lidmi a mezi člověkem a generativní inteligencí nemilosrdně ukázaly, že tam kde lidé tragicky selhávají a nejsou schopni přesvědčit druhé, i když o nich mají základní demografické informace, generativní inteligence se stávají zázračnými mašinami na přesvědčování. Vymluvily by i tele z vola.

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#423 – Tulsi Gabbard: War, Politics, and the Military Industrial Complex

Tulsi Gabbard is a politician, veteran, and author of For Love of Country. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:

EPISODE LINKS: For Love of Country (book): Tulsi's X: Tulsi's YouTube: https:

Google Discontinues Translate Community Contribution Feature via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google discontinues Translate's Contribute feature, citing improvements in translation quality driven by advanced machine learning techniques.

The post Google Discontinues Translate Community Contribution Feature appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Speeding ebikes are a new menace. Amsterdam wants to remote-control them

A few weeks back, Amsterdam announced it was trialling new technology that can automatically reduce ebike speed when riders enter certain parts of the city.   Predictably, the initiative sparked debate. On Reddit, some expressed concerns about dat

11mo | The Next Web
Go 1 turns twelve

#​502 — A

11mo | Golang Weekly
UK, US strike landmark deal on AI safety testing

Following the recent approval of the EU’s risk-based AI Act, the UK has now partnered up with the US to co-establish testing procedures and guidelines on AI safety. As part of the transatlantic deal, the two countries will combine their capabilities and expert

11mo | The Next Web
Artificial pancreas that pumps insulin into diabetes patients launches on NHS

In a potentially transformative move for healthcare, the NHS is rolling out an “artificial pancreas” for people suffering from type 1 diabetes. Known as the Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) system, the artificial pancreas is a device that significantly automates the m

11mo | The Next Web
Humans Vs. Generative AI: A Head-To-Head Ad Copy Content Test [Data Study]

Find out which is more effective: human copywriting or AI-generated ad copy. This study reveals insights on driving clicks and conversions.

The post Humans Vs. Generative AI: A Head-To-Head Ad Copy Content Test [Data Study] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Are long context windows the end of RAG?

The home team is joined by Michael Foree, Stack Overflow’s director of data science and data platform, and occasional cohost Cassidy Williams, CTO at Contenda, for a conversation about long context windows, retrieval-augmented generation, and how Databricks’ new open LLM could change the game for developers. Plus: How will FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s sentence of 25 years in prison reverberate in the blockchain and crypto spaces?

PPC Lead Gen Blueprint: Google Ads Strategy That Increases Leads via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

Looking to learn the secrets to lead generation success?  Want to know what critical mistakes to avoid when building your paid ad strategy? We’ve got you covered. On April 17, we’re teaming up with Redesign for a live presentation to give you the proven PPC blueprint to boost your leads.  Sign up to discover Redesign’s time-tested Google Ads strategies that skyrocket leads. You’ll get an exclusive look into their launch process, keyword selection, ad copy, and bidding strategies.  Key takeawa

AI has arrived in Hollywood. It’s a lot more boring than you might think

The new horror film Late Night with the Devil hit theaters late last month amid a lot of really good buzz. It has a 96% on Rotten Tomatoes and has broken box office records for its distributor, IFC Films. It seemed poised to become the indie movie success s

What do some of the most successful video games have in common? They’re all catnip for TikTok

“Lifelike realism”—in the world of video games, at least—has long referred to audiovisual fidelity. The more pixels a game has, the faster its frame rates, the more encompassing its sound, the more “real” it is. But some of the best new games are creating experiences for players that feel lifelike in a different way: by mirroring the vastness and complexity of daily life.

Yes, the Manhattan Bridge gleams recognizably in the East River dawn in

Záhadné škytání supermasivní černé díry vyvolává obíhající malá černá díra

Supermasivní černá díra chytla zvláštní škytavku. Pozoruhodné vysvětlení počítá se sežráním neopatrné hvězdy a obíháním druhé, mnohem menší černé díry, která párá akreční disk supermasivního partnera dvakrát při každém oběhu. Zřejmě jsme objevili systém dvou dramaticky různých černých děr.

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Vědci zkřížili člověka se želvuškou

Želvušky jsou nejdrsnější živočichové, jaké známe. Vydrží věci, které by nás zabily, kdybychom na ně déle mysleli. Co kdybychom si jejich triky vypůjčili a zapracovali na vlastní odolnosti? Mezinárodní výzkumný tým to udělal a zjistil, že speciální ochranné proteiny želvušek fungují v lidských buňkách podobně a chrání je před strastmi okolního prostředí. Je to apríl?

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Green Deal mění kurs

Evropa konečně upouští od podpory občasných zdrojů energie a přiklání se k tradici a stabilitě.

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Solar eclipse explained: What’s happening to the Sun, and why are people so excited?

On April 8, North Americans will be treated to a very rare scientific event—the first full solar eclipse since 2017 and the last to occur until 2046. This event offers us all a great opportunity to witness natural science in action, in all its magnificent glory.

Human beings have created a world of wonderful things, from art and architecture, to medicine, space travel, and, yes, planes, trains, and automobiles. And, while humans will continue to play a hand in revealing the wo

35 Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know via @sejournal, @JRiddall

Discover the power of content marketing with these compelling statistics. Learn how optimized content can drive traffic and boost your online presence.

The post 35 Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

What it’d take for the EU to ban TikTok

The US is getting increasingly aggressive about TikTok. In March, the House of Representatives passed a bill that could see the Chinese social media app banned across the entire country due to security concerns. If signed into law, the bil

11mo | The Next Web
5 helpful Amazon Fire TV tricks to superpower your streaming

Whether you’re just setting up your first Amazon Fire TV device or you’ve been a Fire TV user all along, there are several helpful tips that aren’t too well documented. Here’s a look at some great remote-control shortcuts, settings tweaks, and more.

Quick Access Menu

Long-press the Home button on your remote to bring up Amazon Fire TV’s helpful but hidden Quick Access Menu.

Once it’s open, you can switch

Contact Us Page Examples: 44 Designs For Inspiration via @sejournal, @theshelleywalsh

While often overlooked, a Contact Us page is essential for your site to engage with customers. Check out these inspirational examples and helpful tips.

The post Contact Us Page Examples: 44 Designs For Inspiration appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

This free AI bot lets you chat privately with any document

People often ask me what to actually do with AI. Well, here’s an idea: Give it a product manual, a document, or something else you’re interested in and chat about it.

We’ve seen a lot of enthusiasm around this concept lately. Microsoft is pushing the concept hard as part of its paid Copilot Pro service, Nvidia released a tool that will let you explore it on a PC with Nvidia graphics hardware, and Google is testing integration of Gemini in Google Docs.

These companies are automating dirty and dangerous work

There’s a long history of robots taking jobs that are difficult enough for humans to resent, resist, or outright fear. But a new crop of bots is tackling tasks that even machines might calculate to be out of their theoretical comfort zones. 

Gecko Robotics has been deploying its devices to inspect intercontinental ballistic missile silos, fuel storage tanks, and the structural components of warships. Nearthlab provides a software platform that enables drones to perform up-clos

Barkhausenův šum: Fyzici pozorovali kvantovou magnetickou lavinu

Fyzik Heinrich Barkhausen v roce 1919 jako první předvedl přízračné praskání magnetické laviny, která doprovází magnetizování feromagnetického materiálu. Po více než 100 letech jeho moderní nástupci zjistili, že ve vhodně zvoleném materiálu mohou Barkhausenův šum vytvářet nesmírná množství současně probíhajících tunelových jevů.

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Moravské Théby a český Dionýsos

Každý ví, že Prokop Diviš vynalezl bleskosvod. Ne každý ví o výchově hudebníků elektrickými šoky a o nabíjení nemocných. A jen málokdo tuší hluboké spojitosti jeho životních témat. Jejich cesta vede z Théb přes Athény, Paříž a Hevlíkovice do Louky u Znojma a Přímětic. Od blesku a vína přes filosofii a teologii k bleskům, hudbě, léčení a vínu.

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