
posty wysłane przez: Tomas_r2
Here’s the biggest problem with Amazon Prime Video—and how it could be fixed

October 1 is the official kickoff of spooky-movie season, but this year, we simply could not wait. On the last day of September, my wife and I watched the 2013 throwback slasher, You’re Next, one of many horror movies available to stream that I’d compiled into a seasonal list. Good thing we didn’t wait until the next night, though—by then, You’re Next was no longer on Prime Video. We’d made it just under the wire.

Successfully streaming a movie in time probably sh

Facebook owner Meta is bringing back facial recognition tech. Here’s why

Three years after Meta shut down facial recognition software on Facebook amid a groundswell of privacy and regulator pushback, the social media giant said on Tuesday it is testing the service again as part of a crackdown on

CEO Update: Building trust in AI is key to a thriving knowledge ecosystem

The internet and its business models are changing. Stack Overflow has been at the forefront, helping to shape the future of the web.

Nejvýkonnější pikosekundový laser světa zvládne impulzy až 100 megawattů

Laseroví čarodějové švýcarského ETH Zürich postavili laserový systém, který generuje pulzy kratší než pikosenda. Jejich maximální výkon může dosáhnout 100 megawattů. Průměrně je to sice jen 550 wattů, ale i to je velmi slušné. Extrémní laser se uplatní v extrémním výzkumu. Fyzici se již nemohou dočkat.

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We need a national STEM Act to stem the risk of a declining America

Wars have unintended consequences, and positive results can emerge from tragedy. For proof, just look at the list from NATO of some unexpected outcomes of R&D that led to society-changing benefits.

This NATO list explains where cargo pants came from, but rather than head down the rabbit hole, let’s focus on the American Education Act, which was established back in 1921. The World War I draft re

Kamala Harris is going all in on Snapchat. But Donald Trump is still banned

Since July, Kamala Harris’s campaign has purchased more than 5,000 Snapchat ads, amounting to an estimated $​​5.3 million.

It’s not hard to understand why: Snapchat is a haven for young people. According to an eMarketer estima

You’re going to have a robot coworker sooner than you think

They marched in line, interacted with guests, and poured drinks while making small talk. The vision of the future Elon Musk put forward with his Optimus humanoid robots at Tesla’s recent Cybercab event earlier this month was as astounding as it was unbelievable.

That latter word was important: It turned

The new pair programming: an AI agent that cleans your code as you write

Ben welcomes Sonar CEO Tariq Shaukat for a conversation about AI coding tools’ potential to boost developer productivity—and how to balance those potential gains against code quality and security concerns. They talk about Sonar’s origins as an open-source code quality tool, the excellent reasons to embrace a “clean as you code” philosophy, and how to determine where AI coding tools can be helpful and where they can’t (yet).

Meta’s new AI model can check other models’ work

Facebook owner Meta said on Friday it was releasing a batch of new AI models from its research division, including a “Self-Taught Evaluator” that may offer a path toward less human involvement in the AI development process.

The release follows Meta’s in

Biden administration awards $325 million to Hemlock Semiconductor for Michigan factory

The Biden administration said Monday that it would provide up to $325 million to Hemlock Semiconductor for a new factory, a move that could help give Democrats a political edge in the swing state of Michigan ahead of election day.

The funding would support 180

Perplexity is sued by Dow Jones and ‘New York Post’ for copyright infringement

Rupert Murdoch’s Dow Jones, which is the parent company of The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post both sued AI search startup Perplexity on Monday for infringing copyrighted content.

The News Corp.-owned companies accused Perplexity of a “massive amount of illegal copying” of their work. It marks the latest lawsuit in an ongoing battle between tech

Google Expands Travel Feeds In Search Ads via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google expands Travel Feeds in Search Ads, allowing hotel advertisers to display more detailed information in search results

The post Google Expands Travel Feeds In Search Ads appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Microsoft’s Copilot is adding AI agents for routine tasks

Microsoft will allow its customers to build autonomous artificial intelligence agents from next month, in its latest push to tap the booming technology amid growing investor scrutiny of its hefty AI investments.

The company is positioning autonomous agents—programs that need little human intervention unlike chatbots—as “apps for an AI-driven world” that can handle client queries,

Branded SEO: Mastering the Future of Search Rankings

Brand isn’t just a logo or tagline – it impacts a company’s search performance and competitive edge. Brand identity influences how search engines rank your content and how your audience searches for and engages with your brand. This rundown isn’t just about why brand matters – it’s about how to leverage it at every level, from SEO strategy to interactive content that drives real connections. For teams juggling integrated search strategies, this collection cuts through the noise and shows how

Rejection therapy is all the rage on TikTok. Don’t bank on it working

Being rejected is never fun—or is it? Most of us spend our lives trying to wipe these embarrassing moments from memory, however, on TikTok a recent trend sees people actively seeking out opportunities to get shot down, then filming and uploading the awkward encounter for millions to see. 

In one video, someone asks a barista for free coffee, just because. Another

Hýbej se méně, spal více: Přerušovaná chůze spotřebuje více energie

Co je lepší? Cvičit, chodit nebo třeba tancovat ve více kratších aktivitách? Anebo se věnovat jedné aktivitě delší dobu stejným tempem? Zábavný experiment s chozením v kyslíkové masce, která měřila příjem kyslíku při různých typech aktivity, prozradil, že pokud se stejná aktivita provede jako série zahájených a pak ukončených krátkých aktivit, člověk spotřebuje o 20 až 60 procent více energie. Přerušujte, co to jenom jde.

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‘The Terminator’ turns 40—and hits different in the age of AI

ChatGPT tried to warn me about The Terminator.

Before I sat down recently to watch James Cameron’s 1984 killer-robot blockbuster, I asked the world’s most popular AI chatbot what I should expect. It told me that, given the rapid rise of real-world artificial intelligence, I might find the movie “both prescient and unsettling.” My virtual assistant was particularly concerned about how I would react to the

12 Essential Steps In Building A Winning SEO Strategy via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Laying a solid foundation will help your SEO strategy pay off for years to come. Don't miss these fundamental first steps.

The post 12 Essential Steps In Building A Winning SEO Strategy appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How To Unlock Growth In 30 Days: The Secrets Of Enterprise SEO [Webinar] via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Learn why traditional SEO best practices might be holding you back, along with proven strategies for aligning your team and gaining executive buy-in.

The post How To Unlock Growth In 30 Days: The Secrets Of Enterprise SEO [Webinar] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Built by one of their own, TradeZella lets day traders track and plan transactions

After a few years of successful day trading, Umar Ashraf found himself looking for software to plan, track, and evaluate his trades.

But, he says, when he looked at the trade journaling products available about four years ago, he didn’t find any that fully met his needs. Ashraf wanted features to help him better evaluate the details of his trades, like running profit-and-loss data that would help him unde

Google Analytics Adds New Segment Sharing Feature via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google Analytics 4 introduces segment sharing, improving data consistency. New features include a shared library and expanded user permissions.

The post Google Analytics Adds New Segment Sharing Feature appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Hmota nebo látka, prostě hýlé, a hmotnost

Pojem hýlé (látka, hmota) zavedl do filosofie a vědy Aristotelés. Místo toho, aby se pochlubil prvenstvím, jej připsal už nejstarším filosofům. Tak se nám do učebnic dostaly všechny ty látky a pralátky u filosofů v dobách před Sókratem. Přitom závaží a váhy se v egejském prostoru najdou už v rané době bronzové. Dnes je hmotnost jednou ze základních fyzikálních veličin.

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Bye, Kindle: 3 companies whose e-readers have actual buttons

Boy, is my wife mad at Amazon for killing off the wonderful Oasis line of premium Kindle e-book readers. I, too, am upset—she’s due for an upgrade and the holidays are right around the corner.

She likes the Oasis’s buttons—the physical, tangible, clicky-clacky, tried and true buttons for turning pages. Amazon says they’re going all i

Nový výzkum: Neutronové hvězdy by mohly být obklopeny mračnem axionů

Pokud tvoří chladnou temnou hmotu velmi lehké elementární částice axiony, mohly by se v ohromném množství a extrémní hustotě hromadit v bezprostřední blízkosti neutronových hvězd. Axionová mračna by mohla v nesmírně silných magnetických polích generovat elektromagnetický signál, který bychom mohli detekovat. Zatím nic, ale teď víme přesně, co hledat.

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Rozprašování diamantů do atmosféry je znovu ve hře

Klimatologové spolu s meteorology přicházejí se staronovou verzí záchrany planety. V nejnovějším čísle odborného časopisu pro geofyziky švýcarsko americký tým zvažuje ochlazovat Zemi vylepšováním stratosféry.

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Mikrobiální dravec Aureispira je jako pirát. Hákuje kořist a střílí z děl

Asi jen málokdo by čekal takovou romantiku na Petriho misce. Když mořské vláknité bakterie aureispiry strádají nouzí, připraví si molekulární háky, nabijí molekulární děla a vyrazí lovit bakterie. Když dostihnou svou oběť, zahákují ji, vypálí na ni salvu, proděravějí ji buněčnou membránu a nakonec sežerou, co vyteče. Napněte plachty, obzor je náš. Johoho.

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4 ways AI could negatively impact the 2024 election

The American public is on alert about artificial intelligence and the 2024 election.

A September 2024 poll by the Pew Research Center found that well over half of Americans worry that artificial intelligence—or AI, computer

Miss having a dedicated work phone? Here’s how to configure your iPhone to separate business from personal use

Smartphones have enabled us to attend to work from nearly anywhere. But their productivity power also frequently encroaches on our personal lives—making it too easy to reply to business emails or Slack messages when we should be focused on

This 10-second tweak will bring new life to any browser

When it comes to most home screens—on your phone, your computer, you name it—you’ve got endless-seeming options for customizing and taking control.

The one canvas you can’t easily paint, curiously enough, is your browser’s New Tab page. And from one device to the next, it might just be the surface some of us stare at most often.

Sure, New Tab pages are much more customizable than they once were. But wouldn’t it be nice to see the weather right t

Dutch carbon capture startup Skytree opens offices in US, Canada

Dutch startup Skytree has opened a new HQ in Toronto, Canada and a new office in Nashville, Tennessee, as it looks to cash-in on attractive government incentives for direct carbon capture (DAC) technologies.  Engineer-turned-entrepreneur Max Beaumont found

4mo | The Next Web
Marvel Fusion breaks ground on $150M laser facility in Colorado

German startup Marvel Fusion and Colorado State University have broken ground on a $150M laser facility in a bid to commercialise fusion energy. Dubbed ATLAS, the facility will use three ultra-high intensity lasers to fire 7 petawatts of power — over

4mo | The Next Web
Google se spojil s Kairos POwer kvůli vývoji modulárních reaktorů

Společnost Google si hodlá pořídit spoustu malých modulárních štěpných reaktorů od Kairos Power, aby poháněly jejich datacentra. První modulární reaktor s oblázkovým palivem TRISO a chlazením tavenou solí chtějí připojit v roce 2030 a o pět let později (2035) chtějí napájet datacentra s 500 MW jaderné energie.

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Netflix shares are up, but some analysts are concerned about the streamer

This story originally appeared in The Technology Letter and is republished here with permission.

Netflix shares are rising by nine percent early Friday after the company Thursday evening beat with its revenue and profit, and forecast 2025’s revenue will be about in line with consensus, and that operating profit will continue to expand.

This was a turn-around from

Donald Trump is losing on TikTok

TikTok’s influence has become undeniable in the 2024 presidential election, with both camps leaning full force into the idea that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. But that plan hasn’t worked out so well for Republican nominee Donald Trump.

An exclusive Newsweek review of TikTok data reveals that, on TikTok, the Trump campaign is bein

25 year-old Alabama man arrested for January hack of SEC’s X account

An Alabama man was arrested Thursday for his alleged role in the January hack of a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission social media account that led the price of bitcoin to spike, the Justice Department said.

Eric Council Jr., 25, of Athens, is accused of helping to break into the SEC

Google, Meta, and TikTok shut down a Russian drone factory’s accounts over bombshell investigation

Google, Meta and TikTok have removed social media accounts belonging to an industrial plant in Russia’s Tatarstan region aimed at recruiting young foreign women to make drones for Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

Posts on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok were taken down following an investigation by The Asso

Two Virginia congressional candidates debated an AI chatbot. It was weirdly normal

On Thursday night an AI chatbot participated in a ">political debate with candidates for a congressional seat, and, despite a few technical glitches, performed well. There was no robot voice, no off-topic tangents, no personal attacks, no odd “they’re eating the dogs” hallucinations. 

The chatbot was a stand-in for the man c

Hvězdná porodnice R136 vystřeluje masivní hvězdy jako nebeský raketomet

Nejvíce extrémní hvězdná porodnice v našem sousedství, která obsahuje nejvíce hmotné známé hvězdy, je ještě zajímavější, než se zdálo. Od svého vzniku před asi 1,8 miliony let odpálila dvě salvy masivních hvězd. Celkem jich je 55, řítí se rychlostí Mach 80 a v kosmicky dohledné době vybuchnou jako supernovy.

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TikTok approved election misinformation ads despite its own ban, says watchdog

Just weeks before the U.S. presidential election, TikTok approved advertisements that contained election disinformation even though it has a ban on political ads, according to a report pub

Samsung’s $17 billion Texas chip factory faces another setback. Here’s why

Samsung Electronics has postponed taking deliveries of ASML chipmaking equipment for its upcoming factory in Texas as it has yet to win any major customers for the project, three people familiar with the matter said.

Samsung has been also holding off on placing orders to some other suppliers for the $17 billion fact

A Guide To Robots.txt: Best Practices For SEO via @sejournal, @vahandev

Get a comprehensive guide on using meta robots tags and robots.txt to control how search engine crawlers interact with your website.

The post A Guide To Robots.txt: Best Practices For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Vay secures €34M to bring remote-controlled cars to the streets of Europe

German “teledriving” startup Vay has secured €34mn from the European Investment Bank (EIB).   In January, Vay launched a commercial remote-controlled car service in Las Vegas. Now it wants to roll out the technology on its home turf. I

4mo | The Next Web
TNW Conference 2025 theme spotlight: Sustainable Societies

A warming world will — and is already having — a profound impact on the things we all depend on: shelter, food, water, energy, medicine. Most nations have committed to drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to dial back the planet’s thermostat.  But tru

4mo | The Next Web
Ultimate guide to the best AI tools to make your life and work easier

Generative AI tools have been popping up everywhere and becoming second nature to use. That’s thanks in part, to a familiar user experience. “If you’re using a generative AI model, you enter a prompt describing the output you’d like, and the program gives it to you,” explained Danica Lo, “whether it’s in the form of text, code, images, or—increasingly—sound and video.”

The most popular is ChatGPT, said Lo, a contributing editor at Fast Company

.AI domain names are the next big thing on the internet. That’s great news for Anguilla

The tropical British territory of Anguilla wasn’t known to many outside those who sought out its sun-kissed beaches. That was until the generative AI revolution. Suddenly, the island of around 16,000 people became a key broker in the future of our digital lives.

In the 1990s, it was given the domain n