
posty wysłane przez: Tomas_r2
AI summit in Paris brings together Big Tech and U.S. VP Vance

Major world leaders are meeting for an AI summit in Paris, where challenging diplomatic talks are expected as tech titans fight for dominance in the fast-moving technology industry.

Heads of state, top government officials, CEOs and scientists from around 100 countries are participating in the two-day internat

Roblox joins $27 million industry nonprofit to support online safety

A group of internet businesses, including Roblox, Google, OpenAI, and Discord, have cofounded a nonprofit called Robust Open Online Safety Tools (ROOST).

The new organization will fund free, open-source tools for online businesses to promote online safety, says Naren Koneru, Roblox’s vice president of engineering, trust, and safety. The move follows years of efforts is thinking three moves ahead with its friends and family subscription has a new subscription option for chess families and tight-knit players: a friends and family plan.

The site, where players around the world can face off against live opponents, play bots, and solve chess puzzles, introduced its group tier in January, offering a players a discount on its top-tier offerings with the aim of winning the long-term loyalty game.

For $199.99 a year,’s “Friends and Family” Diamond Premium plan offers up to f

Why tomorrow’s breakthroughs will come from polyintelligent thinking

In news outlets, business publications, and scholarly journals, there is a crescendo of commentary about the combined power of human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Without question, that convergence is already yielding exciting discoveries in many fields.

Yet a third, equally crucial, kind of intelligence is being left out of the discussion: nature’s intelligence.

The idea that nature itself displays the hallmarks of what we understand as intelligence—the abili

7 Creative Ways To Leverage Video In Marketing via @sejournal, @xandervalencia

Looking to create unique video content? This guide will show you how to think outside the box and come up with fresh video marketing ideas.

The post 7 Creative Ways To Leverage Video In Marketing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Sedimentární DNA přinesla překvapivé objevy v jeskyni Rudé dámy z El Mirón

Z jeskyně El Mirón na severu Španělska pochází Rudá dáma, slavná kostra ženy z doby před 18 700 lety. Archeologové teď v El Mirón zpracovali mnohem méně divácky atraktivní, ale zajímavými informacemi nabitou sedimentární pravěkou sedaDNA. Prokázala přítomnost mnohem více druhů živočichů, než kolik jich tam dokládají kosti.

11d |
Find the perfect free Zoom background at these 3 sites

Maybe I should begin this article by arguing that nothing spices up a mundane meeting like a creative, beautiful, or hilarious background for your Zoom calls. But the reality is that most of us just need to hide messy offices, guestroom beds, or dirty-dish-filled kitchens.

These three websites offer up almost half a million free Zoom backgrounds for your perusal, so forget tidying up and get that scrolling finger ready.

EV Winter is here. Carmakers are betting on a thaw

The move to electric vehicles is the auto industry’s biggest transformation since cars replaced horses early last century. Just about every traditional automaker is going through its own reckoning with the EV transition, one that presents huge opportunity—and existential risk. So far, it has been rough. 

Buyers haven’t turned up in the numbers the industry projected just a few years ago. Now many automakers are racking up heavy losses on their EV businesses. Many traditional a

Nález základních stavebních kamenů života na asteroidu mění náhled na vznik života na Zemi

Na asteroidu Bennu se nacházejí molekuly, z nichž je postaven pozemský život. Nebeské těleso je ale nese v překvapivém složení. Z analýz vzorků získaných misí OSIRIS-REx vyplývá, že se život mohl vyvinout i na jiných místech sluneční soustavy.

12d |
Sférolit jako unikátní nález severského souvku v České republice

Povodně ze září 2024 v moravskoslezské oblasti zanechaly stopy v říčních korytech. Někde vznikla nová koryta. Voda vyplavovala na břeh říční sedimenty. V naplaveninách řeky Opavy na poli asi 1,5 km jihovýchodně od Krnova našel pan Ferdinand Scholz, který se věnuje sběru a průzkumu ledovcových souvků na Krnovsku a Opavsku, souvek sférolitu, horniny s kulovitými útvary radiálně paprsčité stavby. Literatura o souvcích horninu řadí k sférolitickým vulkanitům, které pocházejí ze Skandinávie. V severn

13d |
Schrödingerova kočka a Maxwellův démon si nejdou navzájem po krku

Kvantová mechanika a termodynamika představují obvykle mimoběžné koncepty ve fyzice. Jak ale ukázal pozoruhodný teoretický výzkum japonsko-slovenského týmu, termodynamický démon může porušovat zákony i v rámci kvantové mechaniky, ale přesto nepotápí druhý termodynamický zákon. Kvantový exorcismus není nutný.

13d |
How Apple could work with DeepSeek to pull ahead in the AI race

Ever since DeepSeek burst onto the scene last month, there’s been no shortage of opinions about what the Chinese startup’s artificial intelligence accomplishments mean for America’s AI giants like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Meta. 

However, there’s one company that’s usually been absent from any discussion of just how bad DeepSeek’s

Research shows AI datasets have human values blind spots

My colleagues and I at Purdue University have uncovered a significant imbalance in the human values embedded in AI systems. The systems were predominantly oriented toward information and utility values and less toward prosocial, well-being and civic values. At th

13d | The Next Web
This app sends faxes for free from your iPhone, Android device, Mac, or PC

Nowadays, when you hear someone talk about faxing, there’s a decent chance it’s the punchline to a groan-inducing dad joke. (Not that I would ever be guilty of such silliness, of course. I stick strictly to the fax.)

And yet, here in the futuristic-feeling time of 2025, we all find ourselves facing the very occasional and impossibly baffling need to send something somewhere specifically by fax. Try as you might, sometimes, you just can’t avoid it. (One might even say those

Why build your own vector DB? To process 25,000 images per second

Ben and Ryan chat with Babak Behzad, senior engineering manager at Verkada, about running a pipeline that vectorizes 25,000 images per second into a custom-built vector database. They discuss whether the speed is due to technical brains or brawn, the benefits of processing on device vs. off, and the importance of privacy when using image recognition on frames from a video camera.

Amazon to pay nearly $4 million for allegedly taking drivers’ tips

Amazon has agreed to pay nearly $4 million to settle charges that the e-commerce company subsidized its labor costs by taking tips its delivery drivers received from customers, District of Columbia Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb said Friday.

The settlement came four years after Amazon 

‘It just didn’t go the way I planned’: Hawk Tuah girl breaks silence after crypto scandal

Following a cryptocurrency scandal in December 2024, Haliey Welch (aka Hawk Tuah girl) seemed to drop off the map. Months later, she’s opening up about what really happened. 

The trouble started when Welch, who rose to fame after a viral street interview moment last summer, announced she would be releasing her own

Meta’s Ray-Ban smart glasses are having their Super Bowl moment

It’s game time for Meta’s wearables: The tech giant has bought two ad spots for its Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses during Sunday’s Super Bowl broadcast, including one that has Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt ">wreaking havoc on Kris Jenner’s art collection.

The star-studded spot is part of a bigger push to bring AI-powered wearables to the masses. Last week, Mark Zuckerberg

‘A true victim of the Snapchat era’: Parents are resurfacing hilariously filtered baby photos from the 2010s

If you scroll through your old photos from the mid-2010s—the golden era of Snapchat—chances are a fair number of those pictures feature a dog filter or a flower crown. 

Now, nearly a decade later, one TikToker has now been struck by a unique dilemma. “Your daughter wants to see her baby pictures, but she was born in 2016,” user @themkidzmama3 posted

OpenAI launches cross-country search to build data center sites for the Stargate project

OpenAI is scouring the U.S. for sites to build a network of huge data centers to power its artificial intelligence technology, expanding beyond a flagship Texas location and looking across 16 states to

Building Trust In The AI Era: Content Marketing Ethics And Transparency via @sejournal, @rio_seo

Learn how to thrive in the content overload era with ethical content marketing practices. Build trust, stand out, and engage your audience with quality content.

The post Building Trust In The AI Era: Content Marketing Ethics And Transparency appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

‘It’s not only centered around video anymore’: Zoom’s CEO explains the video conference giant’s next act

Zoom made a name for itself during the pandemic, becoming synonymous with video conference calls. But the company recently changed its name from “Zoom Video Communications Inc.” to simply “Zoom Communications Inc.,” a sign that it’s pushing beyond video. Other Zoom offerings include a Team Chat prod

These groups are pushing for the NFL to end facial recognition

Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday, online privacy groups Fight for the Future and the Algorithmic Justice League are reiterating a call for the NFL to put an end to the use of facial recognition in football stadiums, where the groups say the technology is used to authenticate employees, vendors, and authorized media.

“That means that anyone who is going into a stadium to work on any football game has

Astronomové vystopovali největší galaktickou strukturu vesmíru Kipu

Kupy a nadkupy galaxií mohou společně tvořit nezměrné superstruktury, největší známé galaktické struktury vesmíru. Největší z nich je Kipu o hmotnosti asi 200 biliard Sluncí a délce 1,3 miliard světelných let. Pochopení superstruktur je podle všeho zásadní pro porozumění vývoji celého vesmíru.

14d |
Cultivated beef pioneer Mosa Meat goes fat-first in Switzerland

Swiss foodies could soon be served an experimental new delicacy: cultivated burgers. The lab-grown cuisine is the brainchild of Dutch scaleup Mosa Meat. Founded in 2013, the company cultivates beef from cells extracted from cows. The blend is then formed into b

14d | The Next Web
‘Sorry, I didn’t get that’: AI misunderstands some people’s words more than others

The idea of a humanlike artificial intelligence assistant that you can speak with has been alive in many people’s imaginations since the release of “Her,” Spike Jonze’s 2013 film about a man who falls in love with a Siri-like AI named Samantha

14d | The Next Web
Ethical AI and climate tech are turning the Netherlands into a European innovation leader

Long admired for its progressive policies and open economy, the Netherlands is making an aggressive play to become Europe’s next tech powerhouse. By blending AI with sustainability and a strong ethical framework, the country attracted $2.5bn in tech investments

14d | The Next Web
Welcome to HillmanTok University, the digital HBCU inspired by ‘A Different World’

You can learn many things from TikTok, like how to make a dense bean salad or how to tell if you have “good facial harmony.” Now, you can also enroll in college-level courses with TikTok as your classroom. Welcome to HillmanTok University. 

With Donald Trump busy

Academic researchers are going to have to learn algospeak

Imagine you’re an academic researcher. You’re writing a pitch for funding to the National Science Foundation (NSF), the independent agency of the federal government that funds projects designed to advance our understanding of the world. But you can’t use the words excluded, historically, socioeconomic, systemic, or women. Go.

That’s the quandary that researchers across the country find themselves in thanks to a misguided attempt to try t

Like TikTok, lawmakers want to ban DeepSeek from government devices

A bipartisan duo in the the U.S. House is proposing legislation to ban the Chinese artificial intelligence app DeepSeek from federal devices, similar to the policy already in place for the popular social media platform TikTok.

Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., and Darin LaHood, R-Ill., on Thursday introduced the “No DeepS

OpenAI picks Texas for ‘flagship’ data center in Stargate project

ChatGPT maker OpenAI said on Thursday that Texas will be the “flagship” data center site in the Stargate project it is building with SoftBank.

Around 16 states have

Bluesky photo-sharing app Flashes launches in beta

Flashes, a photo-sharing app that’s linked to X-alternative Bluesky, launched in beta this week before disappearing from the test store due to what its developer said was technical difficulties.

Flashes developer Sebastian Vogelsang said in a Bluesky post that Apple’s engineering team i

‘It’s giving drained’: Liberal TikTok users are mocking ‘conservative girl’ makeup

An intentionally bad “conservative girl” makeup technique is taking the internet by storm.

In the wake of the 2024 election and Donald Trump’s inauguration, an unflattering take on Republican women’s makeup style has quickly gained traction online. One of the first videos to go viral was posted by TikTok creator Suzanne Lambert back in November. It has since received five millio

OpenAI’s “deep research” gives a preview of the AI agents of the future

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

OpenAI’s “deep research” gives a preview of the AI agents of the future

OpenAI announced this week its AI research

This startup can measure custom insoles with just an iPhone camera

The Brannock device—that sliding metal gadget used in shoe stores to measure the dimensions of your feet—was invented 100 years ago this year

But footwear fitting hasn’t really gotten more advanced since, says Dan Cataldi, founder and CEO of custom insole maker Groov. For most people, it still comes down to finding shoes by

A Guide to Laravel Pipelines

  Laravel is known for its elegant approach to structuring complex logic. I’ve been using Laravel since the release of Laravel 4, and it has pretty consistently added new helpful features to every release, to the point where I myself discovering new features all the time that I haven’t used. Pipelines are just one of […]

The post A Guide to Laravel Pipelines appeared first on

Nový čínský fúzní rekord slibuje zrychlení příchodu fúzní elektrárny

Začátkem roku 2025 překonal čínský tokamak EAST svůj dřívější celosvětový rekord v délce udržení fúzního plazmatu. Poprvé v historii se podařilo překonat dobu tisíc sekund. Jde o další krok, který přibližuje dobu využívání fúzní energie. Čína intenzivně pracuje na dalších zařízeních a dostává se do čela i v této oblasti.

15d |
Hundreds of rigged votes can skew AI model rankings on Chatbot Arena, study finds

The generative AI revolution has turned into a global race, with mixtures of models from private companies and open-source initiatives all competing to become the most popular and powerful. Many choose to promote their prowess by demonstrating their performance on common tests and levels within regular rankings.

But the legitimacy of those rankings has been thrown into

Ask An SEO: How To Repair & Recover Negative Brand Mentions In SERPs via @sejournal, @MordyOberstein

Struggling with negative listings? Take charge of your online reputation using practical strategies to repair your brand relationship and regain control of your narrative.

The post Ask An SEO: How To Repair & Recover Negative Brand Mentions In SERPs appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Taiwan, klenot polovodičového priemyslu na dostrel

Keď čínske vojnové lode plávajú niekoľko desiatok kilometrov od závodov TSMC na Taiwane, ktoré vyrábajú asi polovicu svetovej produkcie vyspelých čipov, taiwanská armáda je v pohotovosti a USA dvíhajú varovný prst. Dôvod na znepokojenie je jednoznačný: ak by tieto závody prestali pracovať, dôsledky pre svet by sa najmenej vyrovnali ropnej kríze z roku 1973.

15d |
Try these tips to help your parents stay safe online

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

When’s the last time you fielded a tech support call from a parent?

You want your parents—or anyone you support—to benefit from email, photo sharing, and video calls. You also have to protect them

Airlines are finally embracing Apple’s air tags—which means lost luggage could be a thing of the past

There’s nothing more annoying than arriving at your destination and finding that your checked baggage didn’t make the trip. But thanks to Apple’s new partnership with 15 different airlines, it’s easier than ever to track down your lost luggage—provided you have the right $29 gadget. Here’s what you need to know to help track down your missing baggage as efficiently as possible.

U.S. airlines m

Oracle’s HR software now has AI to help with taxes and career planning

Oracle’s new AI will answer employee questions about everything job-related, from hiring to retiring. 

Oracle has embedded artificial intelligence capabilities into its Human Capital Management software with the intention of optimizing workplace productivity, the company announced Thursday. The AI engages in human-like conversations, much like ChatGPT, but responds using truthful data that participating companies provide to Oracle. 

“The best AI comes from the best data,”

‘Attractive people doing attractive things’: Members of this Instagram group dress up to make ‘old money’ content

An X post recently made the rounds for its “old money” visuals. The video depicting weekends spent sailing Lake Como in tuxedos and candlelit dinners at impossibly long dining tables screams “upper crust.” Or so we thought.

It was another X user who quickly shattered the illusion. “Sorry to burst the fantasy, but I know one of the girls in this video, and none of this is casual or real,” Louis Pisano wrote in a

This copy trading app wants to produce the ‘next five Warren Buffetts’

Influencers are not only good for skinny jean and matcha recommendations. Now, they can advise you on where to invest your money. 

Founded by 23-year-old Steven Wang, Dub is an influencer-driven marketplace where users can now copy the entire portfolios of the likes of Rep. Nancy Pelosi or billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman for just $9.99 a month or $89.99 a year. At the same time, retail traders accepted into Dub’s top creator pro

A Curated List of Must-Have TUI Applications

For those of us who live and breathe the command line, there’s something undeniably satisfying about well-crafted TUI (Text-based User Interface) applications. Whether you’re managing servers, editing files, or just want a slicker way to interact with your system without touching a mouse, TUIs offer speed, efficiency, and often a bit of nostalgia. That’s where […]

The post A Curated L

In a time crunch? 3 ways GenAI can come through in a clutch

In just a couple of years, generative AI (GenAI) has made a big impact on the way people, companies, and entire industries think about work. It’s helping doctors and nurses, who spend more than a third of their work week on paperwork, free up more time to focus on patients.

LinkedIn Report Reveals 5 Key Trends Reshaping B2B Marketing via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

LinkedIn report highlights five key trends reshaping B2B marketing, emphasizing revenue metrics, AI attribution, and ROI-focused strategies.

The post LinkedIn Report Reveals 5 Key Trends Reshaping B2B Marketing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.