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addr:city | Guthrie Center |
addr:housenumber | 214 |
addr:postcode | 50115 |
addr:state | IA |
addr:street | State Street |
amenity | dentist | | |
emergency | no |
fax | +1-641-332-3200 |
healthcare | dentist |
name | Springbrook Family Dentistry |
opening_hours | Mo-We 08:00-17:00; Fr 08:00-15:00; Th, Sa-Su off |
operator | Springbrook Family Dentistry, PC |
payment:cash | yes |
payment:cheque | yes |
payment:credit_cards | yes |
phone | +1-641-332-3100 |
start_date | 2018-08-20 |
website | |
wheelchair | yes |
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