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addr:city | Fare |
addr:housenumber | 30 |
addr:postcode | 98731 |
addr:province | Huahine |
addr:state | Polynésie française |
beds | 70 |
building | yes |
building:colour | brown |
building:levels | 1 |
building:material | wood |
building:use | hotel |
car | yes | | |
fax | +689 40 68 85 08 |
internet_access | wlan |
internet_access:fee | no |
kayak_rental | free kayaks available |
name | Le Mahana |
operator | private |
payment:cash | yes |
payment:coins | yes |
payment:credit_cards | yes |
payment:debit_cards | yes |
phone | +689 40 66 28 87 |
reservation | yes |
roof:colour | yellow |
roof:material | thatch |
roof:orientation | along |
roof:shape | hipped |
rooms | 35 |
smoking | outside |
tourism | hotel |
wheelchair | no |
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