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addr:city | 桂林 |
addr:city:en | Guilin |
addr:country | CN |
addr:district | 阳朔 |
addr:district:en | Yangshuo |
addr:housenumber | 49 |
addr:postcode | 541900 |
addr:province | 广西 |
addr:province:en | Guangxi |
addr:street | 龙岳路 |
addr:street:en | Longyue Road |
amenity | college | | |
internet_access | yes |
internet_access:fee | yes |
name | Omeida Chinese Academy |
name:en | Omeida Chinese Academy |
name:zh | 欧美达英文书院 |
opening_hours | Mo-Fr 08:30-16:00, Sa-Su 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 |
operator:type | private |
phone | +86 773 8812233 |
website | |
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