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addr:city | 南阿蘇村 |
addr:county | 阿蘇郡 |
addr:housenumber | 2 |
addr:neighbourhood | 1792 |
addr:postcode | 869-1502 |
addr:province | 熊本県 |
addr:quarter | 白川 |
amenity | animal_shelter |
animal_shelter | horses |
animal_shelter:sanctuary | yes |
name | オープンセサミ |
name:en | OPEN SESAME |
name:ja_rm | OPEN SESAME |
official_name | ファームサンクチュアリ オープンセサミ |
official_name:en | Farm Animal Sanctuary |
phone | +81 090-7623-2908 |
website | |
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