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addr:city | Coronado |
addr:housenumber | 1025 |
addr:postcode | 92118 |
addr:state | CA |
addr:street | Orange Avenue |
amenity | ice_cream |
delivery | no |
diet:dairy_free | yes |
diet:vegetarian | yes |
drive_through | no |
internet_access | no |
level | 0 |
name | Moo Time Creamery |
opening_hours | Su-Th 11:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 11:00-23:00 |
opening_hours:covid19 | same |
outdoor_seating | yes |
payment:cash | yes |
payment:coins | yes |
payment:credit_cards | yes |
payment:debit_cards | yes |
phone | +1 (619) 435-2422 |
takeaway | yes |
website | |
wheelchair | yes |
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