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addr:city | Rijeka |
addr:housenumber | 4 |
addr:postcode | 51000 |
addr:street | Riječki lukobran |
amenity | car_rental |
description | ORYX Rent a Car; Riječki lukobran 4, 51000, Rijeka; 051 338 800; U ORYX Rent a car Rijeka odaberi automobil koji će najbolje odgovarati tvojim potrebama i putuj bezbrižno! ORYX car rental Rijeka je tu za tebe, posjeti nas! | | |
name | ORYX Rent a Car |
opening_hours | Pon—Pet / 08:00—20:00 Sub / 08:00—14:00 Ned / 08:00 - 12:00 |
payment:cash | yes |
payment:credit_cards | yes |
phone | +385 051 338 800 |
website | |
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